WebNovelHis WIFE15.38%

Make him/her fall


Tang Su is arranging her clothes in their shared closet, while Zhang Han is preparing their meal.

Zhang Han actually didn't want people around him, so he didn't hire maids nor cook for that matter. He only hired a house cleaner during Saturday to clean the whole house, do the laundry and to do him some groceries.

Tang Su's tired from the packing and unpacking, and now she is famished. She looks at her arranged clothes on the left side of the closet while his is on the right side looking magnificent compare to her simple work clothes and comfy house wear. She double check the drawers that contain her undergarments and handkerchiefs.

Tang Su is tempted to check his undergarments but that will only make her a pervert. And finally her footwear collections, from slippers to wedges, from flip-flop to sneakers and from flats to high heels. Satisfied from her work she decided that it is well done and pat herself, she then close the door starving.

Wondering if her husband is done with their dinner, she walked into the kitchen and saw that he was almost done.

He is now arranging the food in their plate.

The food smells delicious and made Tang Su's stomach rumble in a very unladylike manner, her cheeks flare up from humiliation.

Zhang Han heard it and laugh very hard that he is clutching his stomach.

"ok. Ok! I know my cooking is very delicious, but you didn't have to react like a hungry wolf." Zhang Han remark as he sober up from laughing.

Tang Su didn't move from her spot, she wants the floor to open up and swallow her whole.

Zhang Han notice this and just walk up to her, carry her to the chair while she protests.

Placing the fork in her hands he motions her to start eating.

"Now let's eat. The earlier we're done, the earlier we can talk." And with that Zhang Han devour the food in front of him while he secretly gazes at her.

Tang Su just eat her food without giving away her mask. The food is heavenly, this lasagna taste's heaven. She only wishes there is a left over in the fridge, so she can bring it to her work for her break.

After devouring their food, Tang Su volunteer herself to clean up the table and wash the dishes. Zhang Han gladly accept her offer as he needed to get the documents in his study.

Sitting face to face in the living room, Zhang Han handed her an envelope that contains their marriage certificate and all.

Tang Su looked at the content and sigh, she starts. "So, we are actually really married huh? This is very stupid of me to marry you with my current state that time. From what I said before, what done is done. Here we are, tied into each other. We could only blame ourselves in this matter. I need to absorb this because up to now I still can't believe that I am married. This may take up sometime for me to accept."

Breathing heavily she continues, "I am only asking you not rush things up or it may lead me from divorcing you." She ended sadly.

Processing what she said, Zhang Han finally share his thoughts. "I know this may be hard on you knowing who am I and my status. As long as you are willing to try, I am happy and contented with that. Remember that I never regret marrying you that time."

This is the first time Tang Su saw him talk politely and very softly. His words warm her, he didn't regret it. It rang in her mind a thousand times.

" I also didn't regret marrying you, but it doesn't mean I harbor any feelings to you. It is better to have you than any other men or worst my ex. And also, I want this marriage to be a secret. I mean we can tell others that we are married but to whom we are married is a secret, can you do that? When time comes, we can reveal our marriage, but right now is not the time. Did you agree with me?" Tang Su asked him calmly but his demeanor turns cold and somewhat angry. She didn't know if she said something wrong.

Zhang Han eyes turn sharp and dark. He didn't hear it wrong right? She didn't harbor any feeling to him! This man's ego is too much, he cannot accept it that he is the only one falling in love.

Then he will do anything to make her fall for him hard that she can't live a life without him. Just you wait and see.

"I can do that but! We are sleeping in the same bed as we did this last Two nights." He sharply told her and slightly mocks her.

"We what!!!!!?????" Tang Su shouts at him, her mouth agape and her eyes went wide.

Her mind now stops functioning. How come she didn't know that he was sleeping beside her the whole time. She had her hunch but didn't ponder, but now that he say it casually she couldn't believe it. What has she gotten herself into? She is actually daring the devil, and she is slowly losing the battle.

He smirked at her, "You didn't know that we shared the same bed this past Two nights, are you that dumb and dense? You are lucky I didn't touch you. Actually, you didn't have the appeal and you are not that sexy though. " He taunts her. Lies! It is all lies! He is actually aroused on the first night. He even released himself in the bathroom and taking a cold shower. Why not play her a little.

She couldn't believe it that they slept side by side. Luckily this man is decent enough not to harass her while she's sleeping. Wait, what did he say?

"You….you dared to say I lack in appeal? And I'm not sexy? How dare you!" Tang Su is now flaring up from embarrassment and anger.

"The truth hurts, right? Now that we didn't have any problem with that, it is settled then." Again that devilish smirk of him. She wants to wipe that off his face.

"But…." She is about to protest but Zhang Han didn't let her.

"No buts my darling wife or else you know what other things, I can do. Keep your copy of our marriage certificate and all, I have mine." Zhang Han coldly told her before walking away.

This man is scary and gentle when he wants him to be. Tang Su couldn't provoke him for now, she needs to take the upper hand sooner than later before she admits that she likes him. And she is up to her plan to make him her follower.

Tang Su laid in their bed, feeling uncomfortable. She wished that he will stay all night in his study room. After drifting off to her sleep, Zhang Han enter their room with light steps. Finally, he can cuddle her to his sleep without any protest. He is actually waiting for her to fell asleep then he can lay beside her while holding her tight.

He actually cared for her but didn't show it. He's afraid that she will abuse her rights and leave him after.

Zhang Han needs her to fall for him very hard until she confesses her undying love for him.

Again, Tang Su wakes up without her husband beside her. She saw a note stating that her husband leave early for work. That he prepared her some breakfast, and that he also instructed the driver to send her to her office, back and forth.

Realization hit her. She still didn't know where she live, what kind of residence she was in. Her mission tonight is to ask him. With that she prepared herself for another day.