WebNovelHis WIFE19.23%

Out for blood


Meng Xui caught a glimpse of invitation at her table addressed to CEO Zhang. She checked the content and realized it is a dinner invitation for tonight from T Nations ambassador. Deciding it is important, she strode down the CEO's Office. She knocks politely and enter hearing a sharp come in from the CEO.

"CEO Zhang, here's an invitation from T Nations ambassador for tonight dinner gathering at Zhougo Hotel's and Restaurant." She then slips the invitation on his table and take a glimpse of him dreamily.

Zhang Han observe the invitation debating whether to attend or not. Zhang Han check the time seeing it is Seven pm, he decides to attend and plan to return home at Eight pm. He just needed to show his face and eat with them in an hour.

"Prepare the car at 6:30 pm and tell assistant Ron also to prepare his self to attend this dinner with us to respect the guest. You may Leave if there is nothing more." He dismissed her immediately.

On her way to her table she told Assistant Ron to prepare for tonight's dinner then smirked evilly after taking her seat.

She need to toil his time to prevent him for running after his wife, who is in danger from what she heard.

Tang Su wakes up around 6pm and expect to see his husband to comfort her, but he is nowhere insight. Maybe he is busy at the office she thought, even the driver told her before that her husband usually returns around Nine pm when he lived at the penthouse.

She shrugged her shoulder and decides to cook herself a dinner.

Tang Su checked her phone to see missed calls from her colleagues and friend Yu Lin but no one is from her husband, and it saddens her. She quickly sent them a message telling she is fine and need some rest that no one disturb her.

Tang Su prepared sweet and sour pork, spring rolls, Ma Po Tofu and chow mien. She eats alone, and she felt unhappy and depressed that her husband didn't check her if she is doing fine, especially after what happened to her Earlier, this day.

She laid at their bed around 7:30 pm still exhausted.

An important group of business man gathered in an large extravagant table and their secretaries, and assistants at the side line.

Secretary Meng Xui handed CEO Zhang his drink, and secretly watch him drank it all slowly. She smiled inwardly, he drank all the content of the glass together with the drug. Her vicious plan to have him tonight has started.

Looking at Zhang Han's wrist watch he excused himself from the group to visits the bathroom, feeling unwell.

Meng Xui saw this opportunity and followed suit.

Zhang Han's face paled, a sweat covered his body feeling hot all over. He stumbled over the door, and Meng Xui catch him on time.

"CEO Zhang are you okay? You looked pale." Meng Xui asked him to check if the drug fully affect his body and mind.

Zhang Han grab her shoulder tightly, ready to pounce at her any minute. He is fighting the drug that his energy starting to dispel. Zhang Han thought his promise to his wife, he needs to be strong.

Before Meng Xui could even kiss Zhang Han, Assistant Ron arrive at the right time.

He looked at Meng Xui sharply, assessing her actions.

"Assistant Ron…I...it's….." Meng Xui shiver from his gaze, she's being caught.

"Ron, I feel hot all over. Someone drugs me, get me a room upstairs and call a doctor." Zhang Han slowly leaned his body at Ron, he is slightly shaking and looking paler than ever. He bites his tongue hard that almost bleed from the force, just to make his mind clear.

Looking at Meng Xui for the last time assistant Ron drag the almost lifeless Zhang Han.

Meng Xui humped her feet in annoyance, she is almost there but Assistant Ron interfere. She almost got him, but now she only prayed that Assistant Ron will never figure out it was her who drugs the CEO. She followed after them.

"He is fine now. I injected him a drug that will fight the aphrodisiac. Someone feed him this drug, if not taken care earlier he will only suffer and will never get aroused in the future." Doctor inform them.

Assistant Ron glanced at Meng Xui and noticed her fidgeting a little. He wondered if she's the one who fed Zhang Han the aphrodisiac. His hunch told him to get wary of her.

"Meng Xui, you may return now. I will take things from here. Inform the guards outside to guard this door closely. CEO Zhang is in vulnerable state, and it will give the enemy the leeway to attack." Assistant Ron strictly command her.

Meng Xui cursed internally, this will never happen if assistant Ron didn't arrive that time. She will have herself devour the CEO for the first time, but her plan failed and only caused trouble. She need to lie low for some time.

Meng Xui could only follow Assistant Ron's command.

Tang Su again wake up without her husband beside her. She noticed that he didn't return last night. This made her feel worst. He promised her to never cheat on her but now she is having a second thought on him. Zhang Han didn't inform her, his whereabouts. Their marriage must be accidental, but she still need some respect. He never cared what happened to her yesterday, and now he didn't return home.

Tang Su will never let another man fool her. She grab her suitcase and pack her things. She informed her office that she will take 2weeks leave. Manager Yao let her have some time to herself to reciprocate from yesterday.

Tang Su inform the guards that she will have a little vocation but didn't tell them where.

She asked the driver to send her to the airport. Fooling the driver Tang Su then called a taxi to send her at train station. She didn't want to ride a plane that will make her husband trace her.

She will spend her Two weeks to clear her mind and enjoy her little vacation, away from the troubles.

Zhang Han woke up the other day. He is still vulnerable and delicate. He noticed that he is in the hotel room with doctor sleeping in the couch.

Zhang Han now remembered what happen, he is drug by someone. He clenched his fist tightly, whoever drug him will pay the price.

The door open and Assistant Ron enter holding a tray of food.

"Finally you are awake, someone feed you aphrodisiac. The hotel's camera didn't catch a glimpse of the culprit. He or she planned this perfectly, but I suspect Secretary Meng Xui."

Zhang Han demeanor become devilish. He remembered the drink was from Meng Xui, what is she up to.

"I noticed her changes when the news about your marriage came out. I suspect that she has a thing on you for the past Seven years but I'm not sure. She can be a spy from the enemy, we need to be careful." Assistant Ron told him his suspicion.

" I also suspect that, watch her every move carefully. How is my wife?" he inquired.

"I didn't have news from your wife. I will ask the guard at your place later. I am busy to check everything around you that I forget to check your wife." Assistant Ron tried to reason out.

Zhang Han stand up briskly that cause him to stumble back in bed, his body is still weak.

"Bring me my phone, I will call her. Also, give me my laptop and let me work here. Handle all the matters at the office. I want news when you returned." He commanded Ron pronto.

Assistant Ron could only shrug, Zhang Han is really stubborn and didn't want to show his weakness.

He could only understand him from his position.

"Your phone is drain since yesterday. I had already charged the battery." And tossed the phone to Zhang Han before walking out.

Zhang Han immediately dialed his wife number many times.

" The number you have dialed is out of coverage area or unattended. Please try your call later." The same operator voice answered him every time.

Zhang Han felts worried and mad at the same time, he called the driver that is responsible for sending and fetching his wife.

"Master, you had finally reached me. I tried to call you many times yesterday, but I can't reach you. Madam is in trouble yesterday. Her ex-boyfriend assault and violate madam. The bastard is in jail now, but madam has been traumatized, she left this morning for a little vacation to rest. I send her to airport just a minute ago though." Zhang Han hanged up. He is burning in rage that his still paled skin turns red that bastard violated his wife without his knowledge!

He is out cold yesterday and didn't comfort her, she now decides to travel alone.

Lu Chen will pay big time.

Zhang Han pinky finger twitch and his demeanor is iced cold. Lu Chen bring out the monster on him, Zhang Han is out for his blood.