WebNovelHis WIFE25.64%

Flash of memory


Another Three blissful days passed for Zhang Han, spending his precious time to his lovely wife in the ancestral house.

His family likes Tang Su very much, while Tang Su is nervous and shy the whole time. Grandpa Zhang doted on Tang Su more than Zhang Han, he said that Tang Su is so adorable and should live with them at the ancestral house. But knowing how possessive Zhang Han is, he didn't agree telling that the long hour drive will only exhaust them everyday. They agreed and just settled to visit the ancestral house during weekend or if they are not busy.

Mother Zhang on the other hand keeps bothering them when will they plan to have kids. They only answer her, at the right time. As long as Tang Su is willing to bear his child, he is more than willing to impregnant her.

On Saturday noon they traveled back to the Villa.

"Zhang Han, I know we live at the Capital City upper class residence but that is all I know. Where exactly do we live?" A curious Tang Su finally asked Zhang Han her long forgotten question.

Zhang Han smirk, 'oh you finally remember your question when you are sleep talking.' he talks to his mind.

"The Villa was located at the Capital City upper class residence, you are right about that. The exact location is at Top Executive Residence." He answered her directly without beating around the bush and waited for a full minute for her reaction.

Tang Su's mouth wide open, his eyes almost bulge out, and her entire body froze. She can't believe it! That place only contain 50 land owners, only the top executive family can avail the land including the C Nations former and current President. The security isn't that simple, it is a tight security. That is why she noticed the guards everywhere, she thought it was nothing. Whenever they enter the gate, a thorough car inspection is strictly observed. Now, she is one of the 50 families that lives in this area.

Zhang Han saw her worth awaiting reactions and slightly laugh. His wife is fascinating and funny, he enjoys every moment with her.

He drove pass the security guard at the entrance with a nod.

Regaining her composure, she noticed that they enter the private residence already. Tang Su glare at Zhang Han. " Stop laughing it isn't funny. I am so shock to know about this. How come the security guards never asked me of who am I?" she wondered why this very exclusive residence will allow her freely without questioning. Her identity is not well-known, she is just an accountant employee.

"I know what you are thinking. When we first come to this place my identity is only the one in the system. You are sound asleep that time when I registered your information when I brought you here for the first time. They know who you are that is why they never question you." Zhang Han answer her with a matter of fact.

They only have One day to spend at their home together for a whole day before they return to work.

They spent their Sunday getting to know more about each other, to know what each of them likes and dislikes. Their relationship now is becoming closer though they start as a stranger, now they can say that they know each other deeper each passing day.

At the crowded airport saunter a beautiful model, every camera is focused on her. A security personnel at the airport guarded her until she reached her car. A frenzy media reporter wants to interview her for a moment.

"Miss Lin, why did you suddenly return after staying in the runaway at Paris for this pasts year?"

"Miss Lin, are you here for work or personal matter?"

"Miss Lin, did you decide to continue your modeling career here in C Nation?"

"Are you still single?"

"When will you return to Paris?"

The reporters thrown her questions, and they eager to know her answer.

Lin Mo stop before she could enter her car, she looked at the camera and pose a little and let them take her pictures.

"I plan to pursue my modeling career here in C Nation, after all this is my homeland. I came here today to attend the wedding of my bestfriend Yang Fei next month to be exact. And especially I return to pursue my love interest." She waved at the camera and swiftly enter the car before driving away.

Lin Mo's answer only added oil to the fire, every reporter went crazy. Who is the man she is talking? She is Miss Yang Fei's bestfriend? They want her to answer these two important question, but she already drove off. They tried to follow her but fail.

Lin Mo went directly to her new two storey house at Executive Garden Villa, the second top residence.

She brought this house because she knows that Zhang Han will also stay in this place, but she failed to remember how powerful Zhang Han is that he is actually living at the number one residential neighborhood. Lin Mo hope to bump into him in this area.

"Fei, I'm back. Let's meet up sometime, call me when you heard this." Lin Mo leave a voice mail to Yang Fei.

Lin Mo plans to know everything that happened when she's gone. She planned her first move to know every details that would help her gain Zhang Han's favor. She will make sure and desperate to have him.

Yang Fei and Zhang Fan wedding arrangement is almost done. They completed their registration at the civil registration office, they are now officially married. Zhang Fan wants their wedding to be a dream come true for Yang Fei.

For Yang Fei, Zhang Fan is growing closer to her. She only hoped that one day she will love him the way she love Han. Yang Fei didn't want Fan to suffer from a loveless marriage, he is so good to her, and she appreciate it more.

Their child might be accidental, but they both learn how to love and treasure this child.

Tang Su laid in their bed on Sunday afternoon. Zhang Han is in his study room preparing some documents.

Tang Su realized that this whole week she is acting like a spoiled brat but Zhang Han pampered her more. She then remembered the night she return home. Zhang Han lips on hers, his abs is worth drooling for, his muscle is firm and strong. Tang Su couldn't forget how it feels to hold her in her arms, he shamelessly offered his self to her, and she admit she almost gave in.

Tang Su slaps her face, she is becoming a pervert. She is feeling hot all over just thinking that night. If she let him act that way, she knows that she will no longer control herself and will give him her first.

Finally, her period come to an end. She can move freely and sober up from drinking medicine. Finally, she now stops drinking medicine for cramps and pain reliever. Since her teenage day she always suffered from cramps, and so much pain in her menstruation days. Luckily, Zhang Han is by her side to nurse her the whole time. She felt that she is falling for him slowly but surely.

A flash of memory strike her mind.

Her half naked sitting in the toilet bowl.

Zhang Han carrying her to the bathtub.

Buying her tampons and medicine.

Helping her clean her naked body.

Help her dress, and even help her put the tampons with difficulties.

Tang Su's face turn beet red, scarlet red ears and neck. She finally realized how embarrassing her behavior the whole week, a whole fucking week! He saw her naked body and most of all her private areas that she treasure the most.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a deafening shout came out of her mouths. Tang Su keep shouting out of embarrassment. A frantic Zhang Han ran up to her.

Ready to kill if she is in danger.