WebNovelHis WIFE30.77%



Zhang Han walk to his wife at the kitchen.

Tang Su is waiting for him, sitting at the table with two plates of omelet, a bowl of salad and 2 cups of coffee.

How Zhang Han wish to have this sight every morning of everyday.

"Come sit, let's eat our breakfast first. Let's take a walk at the garden, I remember that the house cleaner will arrive shortly. I didn't want to disturb them while cleaning, let's talk at the garden." Tang Su order Zhang Han, gesture him to eat the food and eat her food right after.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Han devour his food, this is now his favorite food. He is in love with her cooking.

The couple is now strolling at the garden, they spotted a bench and swing nearby.

Tang Su sit on the swing and slightly swing herself. Zhang Han on the other hand settle his self at the bench.

"I am sorry for slashing out with you earlier and the other day. I am not used to it and embarrassed. I never reach to this kind of level in a relationship, I keep my self pure. You need to understand me, I am not ready." Tang Su look directly to Zhang Han's eyes to catch his emotions.

"I understand, but I only did that due to circumstances. I didn't do it on purpose." Zhang Han defensively answer his wife. Why is he explaining his self when he has every right.

"Please, let's take baby step. Let me be comfortable enough to open up with you willingly. I am still not comfortable, sleeping and cuddling with you take me a lot of encouragement."

"What about me? I am also new to all this, I never touch a woman before you. Yang Fei and I intimate moment is holding hands and we hug very often if she needs comfort. But still a understand you, I will give you time." Zhang Han understandingly response Tang Su, he is very sincere with her.

"Thank you with that. I hope that you will never give up on me. Let's take it slow."

"I am willing to wait."

The couple decide to have their lunch outside and stroll the mall for shopping.

Tang Su drag Zhang Han each boutique, store after store. This is Zhang Han's first time to be dragged around, even Yang Fei didn't dare to drag him around like Tang Su did to him.

They are wearing a couple outfit. Tang Su wear a plain white shirt, black jacket, black tight pants and white sneaker. Zhang Han also wear the same but he is wearing a black face mask and black cap, Tang Su's suggestion not to catch attention.

"Hubby, let's buy some scarfs." She drag Zhang Han to a store and try everything that would fit them both. They brought a couple of pair before storming to another store. Tang Su decide to buy him some neck tie.

"Look, this tie look cute on you." Tang Su is laughing out loud that catch the attention of the customers in the store. She is holding different cute ties in different color. Tang Su noticed in their closet that the color of his tie are black, navy blue and gray. It is too dull for her.

"Let us buy all of this! I want you to wear them everyday." Zhang Han was about to protest but seeing her smile wildly he swallow his protest and let her buy the ties.

Tang Su is holding a maroon, red, pink, emerald, purple, light blue and even gold ties in different shades and design. Stripes, polka dots, flower design, cute animal, checkered, and may more cute design that catch her attention. They paid for 50 neck ties and their price is not even cheap. They swipe Zhang Han platinum card to pay. Tang Su just smiled at him sheepishly, she is making fun of him.

"Let me buy a pair of undergarments. You can choose yours at the men section while I choose mine." Zhang Han tail Tang Su, he wants to help her pick some cute undergarments to. Pay back time.

Tang Su didn't notice him sneak at her back. She pick up a pair black lacy underwear, white and skin tone. She is not picky with her undergarments, she wants simple and all.

"Sweetheart I want you to wear this one" a startled Tang Su look at her husband, flustered. Zhang Han is holding up a pair of undergarments in her size, red lacy underwear, pink, green, cream, yellow, purple, maroon, gray and a see through. A few other costumer look at her enviously and dreaming to be treated that way.

Tang Su's face is now red from embarrassment, how can Zhang Han choose that kind of underwear. They are all looking seductive and colorful, how can she wear that.

Zhang Han drag her to the cashier, drop all the underwear he choose for her and pay shamelessly.

The cashier lady looked at them playfully before she wrapped them up.

"It will look good on you. I will buy you more sometime. It's payback time honey." Zhang Han whisper in her ears. Now he drag the flustered Tang Su to men's section underwear.

"No! Don't do this to me! Let go of me. I am sorry for pulling tricks, you can throw away those neck tie. Please don't drag me here. We are even now, you alreay choose those lacy underwear too. Please stop." Tang Su is now hiding at his back slightly embracing him. She is too shy to look at the men's underwear.

"It's okay honey, look you are not the only woman here. They are all shopping undies for their husband. Come on! Where is your confidence." Zhang Han is challenging Tang Su to choose his undergarments like the other girl.

"Fine then! You will pay for it! After this you are going to buy me lunch, shoes and bag!." Tang Su dared to take up his challenge. Tang Su will never back down, she wants the upper hand.

She at least choose a normal looking briefs and boxer. She pick up 10 pair and let him pay.

Zhang Han just smile at her, he will never let her win.

"Come let's eat. There is a private restaurant here, so I can finally remove my face mask and cap."

Zhang Han drag Tang Su to a private restaurant located at the 4th level. He is carrying all the shopping bag willingly, he really spoiled his wife.

"A table for two." Zhang Han coldly told the waitress while he remove his face mask and cap that shock the waitress. She bow embarrassed for not recognizing him.

"This way Sir, ma'am." The waitress lead them to the corner table that let you see the view from the outside, and a secluded part that Zhang Han preferred. "Here's the menu, let me know if your done." She bowed and walk a few steps back and wait for their order.

"What would you like to eat sweetheart, I recommend you their steak and spicy chicken feet." He offer to his wife the food he thought she will like.

"Will do that then, and also I want today's special. For drinks I want apple juice and water. That's all."

The waitress write up their order and walk away. She return with their drinks and appetizer. "Your order will be served in 15minutes. Please enjoy our appetizer. Thank you."

The couple talk randomly that came to their mind while waiting for their food.

At the end corner sits an envious Lin Mo. She spotted Zhang Han the moment he entered the restaurant, it catches everyone attention. Lin Mo wonder who is the lady with him, they are wearing matching outfits. It annoys her, how this lady casually talks to Zhang Han. Lin Mo admits that this lady or woman with Zhang Han is indeed beautiful even in her simple clothes without make up.

Lin Mo observed them carefully, every passing seconds made her furious from jealousy. Who is this woman with her Zhang Han, she knows that he never let any girl come near him. So why they are close and she noticed how Zhang Han looked softly to this woman and even smile and laugh.

She noticed that the woman stand up and make her way to the bathroom. She followed Tang Su to the bathroom ready to show Tang Su who she is.