WebNovelHis WIFE34.62%



Friday arrive without any trouble for Zhang Han and Tang Su. Zhang Han remember the call from his cousin, he forgot to tell Tang Su the whole week about the brunch. Zhang Han plan to return after work today with his wife, lucky they have their clothes in the ancestral house.

"Hello?" Tang Su answered the call without checking the caller.

"Sweetheart I forgot to tell you that Zhang Fan and Yang Fei returned from Bahamas last Monday. They invited us and the whole family for a brunch. I plan to drive us today after work and will return on Sunday morning." Zhang Han's voice boom on the other line.

Tang Su check her phone to confirm the caller, she sigh a little hesitant. Even Grandpa Zhang dote on her and the whole family likes her, she's still nervous being surrounded by them.

"But I didn't pack my clothes." she tried to reason out.

"It's okay, we left your clothes to our room the last time we went. I just want to drive us today so we didn't have to wake up early tomorrow." Zhang Han heard that Tang Su is a little hesitant. But clothes is not a problem, they can buy on the way if she wants.

"Fine, but I will buy a sun dress for the brunch. What time do you plan we leave?" she wants to be at least presentable to look.

"Can we leave around 6? I just need to attend a meeting. You can buy your dress if you want and you can come directly here in my office. If that is okay with you?" he didn't want to push her, but he still have to attend this meeting.

"That's fine. Is there anything you want me to buy for you?" she thought why not buy him some clothes too.

"You decide. Thanks for that. I have to go, just call me when you arrive. Take care." Zhang Han ended the call, he sigh in relief. Since he married Tang Su he need to push his work. He always return home before dinner, he never went to the company during weekend just to accompany his wife.

Tang Su finished her work before 5 pm. Her colleagues invite her for a drink but she decline.

"Why you didn't want to join us? You're single right, why not enjoy your weekend and find a man?" Hao Xia remark at Tang Su.

Tang Su look at her irritated, that is why she didn't acquaint to this kind of person - A busybody.

"I am sorry but I didn't have time to indulge myself in this kind of life. I have somewhere else to be this weekend, I preferred to spend my time to the useful thing. Excuse me, I have to go." Tang Su shut her up. Whenever this Hao Xia open her mouth it always give Tang Su a headache. She noticed that this Hao Xia always find a way to irritate her.

Strolling around the mall, a pretty yellow sundress catch Tang Su's attention. She went inside the store to try the dress. It fits her perfectly and comfortable to move. The dress look simple but Tang Su look stunning in that simple dress. It bring out her beauty, complement her long brown hair and pale white skin.

She decide to buy the dress though it cost a little expensive.

Tang Su continue to stroll around the mall seeing it is a little early before 6. She went inside the men's section clothing. She thought why not pick up a clothes for Zhang Han that match her dress.

A yellowish long sleeved shirt catch her attention. It looks like a right pair for her sundress. She brought the long sleeve shirt much expensive than her dress.

Tang Su sigh, why does men's clothes usually expensive than women?

It is 20 minutes past five when Tang Su arrive at the Zhang Industries.

"Hi, I'm here to meet up Ceo Zhang. Can you direct me to his office?" Tang Su politely asked the receptionist. In return the receptionist cast her glance while she lift her eyebrow uninterested. The receptionist openly criticize her look, she see nothing special. Tang Su's wearing her work clothes, a simple cream colored blouse covered with blazer and a pencil cut skirt and also she wear a skin tone 4 inch high heels. She look professional and elegant at the same time but didn't exert powerful aura.

"Miss, you need to make an appointment to Ceo Zhang 3 months earlier. Judging from your appearance you are nothing important. Lots of girls is here everyday that wants to meet the Ceo. If you didn't leave right now I will call the security." The receptionist boldly disrespect Tang Su. Her shift is about to end but here she thought another desperate girl to meet her boss. This kind of girl annoyed her. She didn't want to be disturb with this kind of person, causing trouble just to meet the Ceo.

Tang Su was a little irritated the way she talk to her. She might not look special as she preferred to wear simple clothes but that doesn't mean she will allow this girl to bully her. She didn't even ask Tang Su for more details about her visit or who she is.

"Miss, I may look normal but I am here because your Boss asked me." If only Zhang Han phone is available she will not be facing this receptionist.

"Are you sure you are here because the Ceo asked you? You looked professional but doesn't you are professional. I will give you a chance, once I confirm you are indeed asked here I will let you in but if not don't expect me to treat you well." The receptionist made a call to Secretary Xu.

"Secretary Xu there is a woman here insisting that Ceo Zhang asked her to meet him at his office." The receptionist is eying Tang Su with a smirk.

"I am sorry but the Ceo is in the conference room with Assistant Ron. I am not informed either regarding a visitor." The receptionist end the call with secretary Xu with a thanks, then call the security guards.

"Please throw this woman out. She is making trouble for Ceo Zhang." The receptionist order the two security personnel to throw Tang Su out of the company.

"Miss, I told you before not to cause us trouble. Please leave."

The two security personnel hold Tang Su's arm tightly ready to drag her.

Tang Su is now fuming in anger, how can they treat her like that.

"Don't touch me! I will go out myself after I made a call. I hope that the three of you will never regret how you treated me today. Miss Anna, Mr. Yu and Mr. Li, remember this." She angrily tap her phone to call Zhang Han, it is 10 minutes before 6 she expect Zhang Han to answer her call this time.

She stand up glaring at the group. Zhang Han answer in first ring.

"Hubby, I am in the lobby right now. The receptionist mistreated me also there is this two security personnel who almost drag me out forcefully." Anger is evident in her voice. She cannot be treated this way. She is only here because her husband asked her, but this is what she get.

"I'll be there. Wait for me, remember the name who mistreated you. Be there in a second." A furious Zhang Han walk fast to his private elevator with Assistant Ron who is curious to what happened.

The group look at Tang Su gawking. They heard what Tang Su said on the phone, he called someone Hubby over the phone. Is that the Ceo on the other line? They are now sweating, they now regret their action especially the receptionist.

A furious Zhang Han walk beside Tang Su, his demeanor cannot be ignore. The lobby is now crowded, working hours just ended. They saw their Ceo walk to a woman in the reception area inspecting her arm and the atmosphere wasn't good. They all stop walking and watch curiously.

"Who did this to my wife!" a booming and cold voice of Zhang Han rang through the wall of the lobby. Everyone who heard him shiver from fright and shock. The rumored Ceo's Wife is here.

"I am sorry sir, but Miss Anna order us to throw her out of building."

"Yes sir, she told us that Madam is causing her trouble. I am sorry sir." The two security personnel is now shaking in so much fear. They cursed the receptionist for dragging them in this situation.

"Sir…I…I didn't know…I thought…she never told me…that she is your wife..." A now shaking receptionist is struggling for words.

"Does she have to tell you who she is! You have no right to do so! Throw her out! I didn't want to see you here! You are fired! You two are suspended for two weeks! Now scram!" Zhang Han's powerful voice made the people surround them panic in terror.

The two security personnel drag the receptionist out of the building Luckily they weren't fired only this witch woman. They throw her out harshly while she tried to beg the Ceo.

The onlookers run one by one afraid that they will caught up too. They didn't see the face of Tang Su even they try hard because Zhang Han is now hugging his wife protectively.

From now on they have to be careful with each visitor or else they might also be in trouble like the receptionist.