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Business Banquet

Zhang Han called Tang Su to tell her that he was attending a business banquet tonight.

Tang Su heard Zhang Han and think strangely. As far as she knows Zhang Han hates gathering, and rarely attend this kind of events.

"Are you going?" she asked curious.

Zhang Han nodded and realized he was talking on the phone.

"Yeah, I have to. Mr. President sent me an invitation. I actually want to take you with me, would you like to join me tonight?"

Tang Su was conflicted. She felt indifferent.

"I don't think it's a good idea. I was actually attending a business meeting with Director Fang tonight."

"You were also going out tonight? Let the driver sent you. I will pick you up, just tell me what time your meeting will end."

"I guess that would be fine. I will call you tonight."

"Okay, be careful bye."

Zhang Han's waited for her reply before ending the call. He sigh, he only wished to be with his wife.

Lin Mo appear at the business banquet with a potential business tycoon. She appeared to be Mr. Zhao Rong date for tonight.

Almost everyone at the banquet notice Lin Mo's beauty.

Her dress was almost transparent, and they were sure that she was naked under.

Mr. Zhao approached Mr. President.

The guards made a thorough body check before they let them near the President.

"Good evening Mr. President, it's a pleasure to see you." Mr. Zhao greeted.

"Pleasure is all mine Mr. Zhao. By the way who is this beauty with you?" Mr. President eyed Lin Mo's almost naked body.

President Yang Zhi is a 40 years old man, married with two daughters, a twin. His wife hates gathering, and always stay at home with his beautiful twins.

Mrs. Yang is only 30 years old. Young and beauty who always took care of the two Nine year old twins.

Mr. Zhao snaked his hand around Lin Mo's waist.

"This is Miss Lin Mo a renowned model in Paris runaway." He proudly introduced Lin Mo to the President.

"Hello Mr. President. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. A very important figure in C Nations." Lin Mo greets bashfully.

Mr. President just laughed at her. His Secretary whisper something in his ear, and he smiled a knowing smile. He excused himself from the couple and right at the moment Zhang Han appeared beside Mr. President.

Lin Mo's eye perked up, catching a glance of Zhang Han.

She made a right decision by accepting Mr. Zhao's offer.

Zhao Rong catch a glimpse of Zhang Han.

"CEO Zhang, nice to see you here. I didn't know you were here and as usual you didn't bring a date with you." Mr. Zhao greets and remarks.

Zhang Han looked directly into Mr. Zhao eyes.

"I only came here because Mr. President invites me personally." He narrowed his eyes engage himself into a serious conversation with the president.

Mr. Zhao thought that Zhang Han never bow down to anyone, even with his high status Zhang Han never showed him appreciation.

Lin Mo on the other hand was disappointed that Zhang Han never gave her a glance, it's a big blow to her ego. She dress seductively just thinking he might finally notice her but never succeed.

The night is still early, she thought there still a chance.

At the rectangular table gathered all the powerful group of business tycoon along with their dates and Mr. President himself.

While eating Mr. Zhao excuse himself to answer a private call.

A sound of romantic song was being played. Everyone at the table stands up to dance together with their companion. Leaving Mr. President, Zhang Han and Lin Mo.

Zhang Han continued eating his food without a care.

Lin Mo steal glances at Zhang Han, wishing he would look at her.

Mr. President clear his throat looking at them.

"CEO Zhang, why don't you invite Miss Lin to accompany you at the dance floor."

Lin Mo smiled gratefully at the President.

On the other hand, Zhang Han stops eating and looking at the President emotionless.

He raised his left right and showed directly to Mr. President his wedding ring then continued eating.

Mr. President was taken aback by his rude behavior and especially at the wedding band in his left ring finger.

"I didn't know you were married, but where is your wife?" Mr. President politely asked the business magnate.

"My wife has something to do, I actually plan to leave after eating."

"Is Tang Su that busy to accompany you? Poor you." Lin Mo exclaimed dramatically.

Zhang Han looked at Lin Mo menacing and sent her a murderous glare.

"Is Miss Lin acquainted to Mr. Zhang and his wife?" Mr. President asked enthusiastically.

"Oh! That Mr. President because Zhang Han, and I went to the same school and university." Lin Mo smiled brightly at the president indicating something.

"I see, you two had the history-"

Zhang Han cut off the President from saying nonsense.

"Mr. President. I didn't want to be rude, but I only know her name because she was a friend of Yang Fei, Zhang Fan's wife my cousin. I've never interacted nor talk to her, not even once." Zhang Han speak to the President aggravated.

Lin Mo bit her inner cheek to stop herself from embarrassing herself.

Mr. President was stunned. He can't believe that this woman in front of her tried to fool him or maybe he misunderstood her words earlier.

"Ok! Let's cease this misunderstanding of mine. Why don't you dance?"

Mr. President clink a spoon in his glass of wine to get everyone's attention.

The Newly arrive Director Fang and Tang Su also looked at the President.

Tang Su wore a white cocktail dress that falls just above her knees, a heart neck line, and backless.

A gold necklace was placed on her neck that reached above her chest.

Tang Su's hair cascade at her back a little curl at the ends, her make up only contains a peach colored lipsticks.

She looks simple yet attracts the attention of every men in the banquet hall.

Her innocent look was like a fallen angel, even the girls in the banquet hall looked at her in awe and jealousy.

Tang Su looked around the President's table and found her husband. Across her husband is Lin Mo.

Tang Su's blood boil in anger.

"Please! I would like to request the dance floor for Mr. Zhang Han and Lin Mo. Please enjoy, Thank you." Mr. President announce and clapped his hands to support them.

Zhang Han's back become rigid, his face hardened.

Lin Mo smiles reached from ear to ear, she is happy for the Presidents request.

She stands up abruptly and went to Zhang Han's side who remains standing and statue.

"Come on Han, Mr. President request for a dance." She held Zhang Han's arm in return shrug her hands off.

"It's rude of you not to obey the President."

Zhang Han was about to say something when everyone around went silent.

A clicking of heels could be heard.

Everyone's attention was in the woman clad in white cocktail dress who walks confidently her way to Zhang Han.

"Stay away from my husband!" a low sharp voice dripping in venom that Zhang Han 's recognized well speak at his back.

He froze.

A bucket of sweat form in his forehead.

What if his wife misunderstand the situation?

Who would have thought that the great CEO, who is ruthless, formidable and cold-blooded man is afraid of his wife?

He is dead.