WebNovelHis WIFE69.23%

Her suffering


Zhang Han refrained himself from harming Lin Mo, especially knowing that the police were seeing and hearing them.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerve.

Lin Mo relaxed a little when she saw that Zhang Han was trying to calm himself down.

She mustered up her courage and tried to speak with Zhang Han without cowering. Lin Mo knows this is her last chance.

"Han-" Lin Mo's trembling voice was cut off.

"Do not call me that! Are we close? We are not even acquainted to give you the right to call my name." Zhang Han gaze could have sent Lin Mo straight to hell.

But Lin Mo didn't want to lose her last chance. Whatever may be the result here is only the last remaining resort. Her resources and connections abandoned her like she was nothing to them. Even Mr. Zhao who has a thing for her didn't do anything to help her. She could only hope and rely on herself.

Lin Mo swallowed her fright and once again looked at Zhang Han.

"Mr. Zhang Han, you've misinterpreted my words earlier. The accident that you were saying didn't involve me in any matter, someone was framing me. Yes, I love you for more than Ten years, but all those years I didn't do anything and watch you from afar."

Lin Mo was caught, but she didn't want to give up. She's really crazy.

Zhang Han could not imagine how delusional she is.

Zhang Han was actually afraid if this Lin Mo was out there to harm his wife. He can clearly see how crazy, and cunning this Lin Mo is.

Right now, Lin Mo has no escape.

"You think that I will believe in you?" Zhang Han challenge her.

"I…but…this….." Lin Mo stammered for words.

"Cat caught your tongue?" Zhang Han smirked at Lin Mo devilishly. He gained what he wants and now he is ready to leave and punish her.

Zhang Han stands up abruptly that startled Lin Mo.

"See you in jail."

"Wha..what???" Lin Mo was shocked.

"What jail? I will file an appeal against the case you are submitting, which is not fair. I have every right to do so." Lin Mo didn't want to go in jail, she was desperate. She was about to say more but Zhang Han's cold glare made her stop, He looks at her fiercely.

Zhang Han dangerously walked in front of Lin Mo who stood frozen in her spot.

He menacing whispered in her ears that make her tremble visibly and sweat.

"There is no such thing. Remember who I am and what I can do. You are fortunate that I have allowed the law to handle you, because if it is my own law, I have been buried you six feet under for a long time ago dead or alive."

Zhang Han back-off and looked at Lin Mo's pale face that is trembling in fear.

He smiled devilishly, contented at his work and walked out but stopped at the door to look at her for the last time.

"This is just the beginning of your suffering."

Lin Mo's legs finally gave out and slumped down the floor and is now sobbing hard.

Zhang Han let Lawyer Gu and Assistant Ron to handle everything.

"Ron, I want you to arrange her in the most secluded area in the precinct. The scarier and darker place the better. I want her all by herself in the prison cell, she should be alone. Arrange the most perverted guard to check up on her daily and do his thing. If Lin Mo had enough sent her to mental hospital or asylum for that matter. Let's talk about the next plan after that."

Zhang Han walked off formidable out of the Police station, and back to the Hospital to see his wife.

Assistant Gu cringed from his order.

Poor Lin Mo, she dared to anger the devil. Now she has to pay the consequence.

Zhang Han spotted a flower shop on the way while driving back to the Hospital. He decided to buy a flower for his wife. Zhang Han remember well that his wife likes the blue rose and white tulips in their garden. He decides to buy this two sets of flower.

Upon entering the room, Zhang Han's noticed that his wife is already asleep. He nods his head in acknowledgment to Tang Su's parents, and He asked one of the guards to fetch him a vase with water.

Zhang Han placed the vase of flower on the table beside Tang Su. He kissed her forehead and went back to his laptop to work.

When Father Tang saw his gentle gesture over his daughter he felt jealous, and he scrutinized Zhang Han's movement. His daughter is indeed married to this man, he can't deny it. His daughter also defended her husband before him.

Mother Tang on the other hand was happy and delighted with his apparent display of affection for her daughter. She could see how much he cared for his wife, but she knew Zhang Han would find it difficult to persuade Tang Su's father.

"Zhang Han." Father Tang called out Zhang Han.

Zhang Han looked up from his laptop to Father Tang. He raises his eyebrow, silently asking him if there is a matter.

Father Tang was irritated with his gestures. This lad is sure to be rude. After all Zhang Han didn't interact with people that much.

"Lad, let's talk outside." Father Tang stood and walked out the door without saying a word after that.

Zhang Han understand his actions. He put down his laptop and followed suit.

Father Tang faced Zhang Han with his fatherly aura.

"Lad, my daughter confessed to us that you are indeed married. We do not know the full details of why and how it happened, we can do nothing more because it has happened." Father Tang paused and looked at Zhang Han's emotionless face.

"I really want to ask you how did it happened, but I'd rather hear it from my daughter than you."

Father Tang stops to see his reaction, but he saw nothing. He is impress of Zhang Han's ability to hide his expression and emotions.

"Let me frank you. I do not want you as my daughter's husband. Whatever reason behind this marriage I will find out the whole truth." Father Tang is now starting to get pissed with Zhang Han's impassive face.

Hearing those word makes Zhang Han's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, but Father Tang didn't notice the movement of his eyebrow nor the flash of great annoyance in his eyes.

" I respect you as Tang Su's father, but what done is done. We get married because of the circumstances of our lives but that doesn't mean we don't care about each other. You might be angry with us, especially for me but I assure that I take this marriage seriously. " Zhang Han answered him directly with his stoic face that added to Father Tang irritation.

Father Tang could feel his sincerity but his expressionless face pissed him off.

"Remember, I am her Father. I held much importance in her life than yours. You better behave yourself with my daughter, I'll watch over you." Father Tang knew it was a lie. His daughter treat her husband better, and he knows that Zhang Han held the most important spot in his daughter's heart.

Father Tang has nothing else to say, he actually appreciates Zhang Han but will never admit because of his pride and stubbornness. He wants to test Zhang Han's limit.