WebNovelHis WIFE74.36%

Another trouble


Zhang Han was about to pounce at Tang Su but a ringing of phone stops him.

Zhang Han cursed and irritated to whoever disturbs him.

"Han, Feifei was rushed to the hospital. She needs blood transfer, a lot of blood is needed. I beg you to help her and donate some blood. Feifei needs blood type positive A like you, Her parents is unable to donate due to health problem. Father's blood donation isn't enough only you and uncle is available. I could not contact Uncle, please help me." Zhang Fan is in panic, he is in the hospital while the Doctor perform cesarean section on Feifei inside the operating room.

Yang Fei slipped into the bathroom after taking a bath which made her bleeding profusely. It risk her and the baby's life, Yang Fei lost too much blood and was rushed to the hospital immediately.

Zhang Fan is afraid of what might happen to his son and wife.

He needs Zhang Han's help even though he knows that Zhang Han might not help him because of the past.

But Zhang Fan needs to try.

"Father is here, I'll talk to him. Tang Su is not well, I can't leave her." Zhang Han is not sure if he would be able help them. He is exhausted the whole month and is not in good shape.

"What happened?" Tang Su asked a little worried.

"Yang Fei was sent to the Hospital and is in need of blood. It is earlier than her expected due date, Fan didn't tell me what happened. I need to look for father, he might help them." Zhang Han answered her softly and went out to look for his father.

His most awaiting night with his wife is now ruined, he is beyond pissed.

Zhang Han control his desire for the entire month and now he has his chances, it was ruined because of another family emergency.

Poor Zhang Han, he could not enjoy his time with Tang Su.

Zhang Han knocked on the guest room where his parents were staying. He heard a series of grunts and moans. Zhang Han felt awkward and blushed.

He debates whether to disturb them or let them continue, but thinking his cousin panic state he decides to knock again and accept whatever may be the consequence.

At this time of emergency they were emerged into each other.

Zhang Han loudly knocked on the door again.

"Dad! We had an emergency, will you please come out?" Zhang Han stressed out his words.

Finally, his parents open the door clad in robe and messy hair.

"Dad, Fan called, Yang Fei was rushed to the hospital and needed a blood transfer. Uncle donated but still not enough and Fan is asking for our help."

"Isn't it too early for Feifei's due date?" Mother Zhang asked.

They all know that Yang Fei due date will be next week at most.

"Fan didn't tell me the details. He is asking for me and dad to help and donate some blood, but in my condition, I'm afraid I can't. I was exhausted the entire month, and I didn't want to leave Tang Su."

"Fine, your mother and I will go. You have your retribution one day for interrupting us." Father Zhang is slightly annoyed with his son.

Zhang Han walked out and murmured. "As if they were the only one who was interrupted."

Tang Su is reading a book when Zhang Han returns. She sat down and placed the book on the bedside table.

"How is it? "Tang Su yawned.

"Mom and Dad went to the hospital to check the situation." Zhang Han sits beside Tang Su and help her to sit up properly.

"Hmmm" Tang Su is sleepy.

Tang Su is tired and wants to rest. She couldn't just go to the washroom to pee. She is waiting for Zhang Han to help her.

Tang Su also knew that Zhang Han had plans, but she could not fight the drowsiness anymore due to the effects of taking medicines.

Seeing his wife yawned, Zhang Han could not endure Tang Su. He knew that his wife needed a rest.

Zhang Han could only sigh in disappointment, another day of surpassing his desire.

"Can you help me to walk? I need to pee before sleeping."

"Come here, I'll carry you."

"Thank you." Tang Su blushed, A little awkward.

The next day, early in the morning Father Zhang knocked on the door of Han and Susu's room.

The couple inside was startled by the loud knocking.

Zhang Han was pissed of, it was early in the morning and still around 5am.

" Son, I need to talk to you." Father Zhang was a little frustrated with Yang Fei behavior.

Yang Fei is acting weird after returning to her private ward. She ignored her newborn son and is looking for Zhang Han.

Yang Fei didn't want to talk to anyone unless Zhang Han arrive and keep on throwing tantrum.

The baby was sent to the nursery after crying for hours and let the wet nurse to feed the baby instead.

Yang Fei could not look at her son, she doesn't know how she feels about the child. This child was her mistake, and the reason she lost Zhang Han. She thought she had forgotten Zhang Han, but after giving birth it was Zhang Han she immediately wanted to see and neglect her son.

Yang Fei parents also feel distress with her sudden behavior. Even the doctor could not tell what is her problem, they only suspect it was PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Zhang Fan is in the nursery with his parent while watching his baby being nursed by a wet nurse. He had long dreamed of seeing Yang Fei breastfeeding their child, but he could not imagine that Yang Fei would reject and ignore their son right after giving birth.

Zhang Han was now really pissed. He yanked the door open.

"What is it? If this is not important, I swear Dad I will beat you to death."

"Yang Fei wants to see you. She is neglecting her son and didn't want to talk to anyone. Yang Fei requested to see you, and if not she will not feed the baby." Father Zhang pulled his hair frustrated.

Zhang Han growl, "What does that have to do with me? I am not his fucking husband! Call Fan and not me!"

Zhang Han comes back in, and hugs Tang Su again.

Tang Su is now wide awake and heard everything.

Why would Yang Fei wants Zhang Han in her side and not his own husband?

Father Zhang followed inside and help himself settle on the couch.

"We didn't know what happen to her, lucky there is a wet nurse and feed the baby instead of Yang Fei. She is getting crazy and keep on asking for you to see her. She is throwing tantrum which is not good for her."

"I don't care, I want to sleep." Zhang Han snuggled closer to his wife.

"Why would she do that?" Tang Su asked.

"We didn't know. Son, can you visit her and ask her what she wants?" Father Zhang suggests.

"You are seriously asking me to do that and in front of my wife? It wasn't my responsibility in the first place. If you were done talking please leave, I want to sleep and please don't bother me again regarding that matter."

Why does he needs to be bothered to do such a thing? He had nothing to do with it, and more so when Yang Fei was not his wife.