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She said someone drug her


"Bring Yang Fei's food and tea to calm her down, she must have been scared." Mother Yang is ordering the maid when Father Yang arrive.

His eyebrow furrowed.

"What is that trouble maker doing in my house?" Father Yang is annoyed how soft his wife.

"Feifei will stay here, someone is following her around, and she asked me for help. She is my daughter, I will never let something bad happen to her." Mother Yang bravely answer her husband.

She cannot afford to neglect her daughter even though she has done something wrong. She still believed that this is the effect of PTSD.

"She might be acting to deceive you."

When Mother Yang heard what her husband said she was angry.

How could he ever think of that thing with his daughter.

"How can you say that? Feifei is our daughter!" she yelled at her husband angrily.

"The moment she start sprouting lies and nonsense, she no longer has my trust. She might be my daughter but her actions make me sick of her. How can you tolerate her, doing this kind of charade? All she did is brought us trouble! Sooner or later we will be living in dirt because of her!"

Father Yang could not control his anger and lash out at his wife.

He is hardly trying to fix the problem in his company, and now Yang Fei was able to add herself to his problem.

He was so ashamed of what Yang Fei were doing, he couldn't seem to face the people criticism, but he was still trying to fix the problem for his family.

Mother Yang was stunned by the sudden outburst.

She knew how hard it was for her husband, but Yang Fei is her daughter. She couldn't stomach to leave her.


"Everything is ready."

"Good, make sure to get Yang Fei this time."

Everything is ready for the press conference for Yang Fei. Many were hoping to find out the whole story in her previous interview.

Everything is set, even the reporters question has been finalized.

Gao Fuchen's men is also waiting to kidnap Yang Fei after the interview.

"Feifei, are you sure you are doing these? Han might hate you if you continue on this charade." Mother Yang is worried about Yang Fei. She also knows the effect of her daughter's lies to the Zhang.

"Don't worry mom, I will never reveal about Tang Su. Revealing her identity will make me the bad guy, I will never allow them to call me a mistress or home wrecker. I am rightfully Mrs. Zhang Han."

"But Han is now married, you have no chance-"

Yang Fei interrupt her mother to whatever she has to say.

"Zhang Han only uses Tang Su to forget about me! To divert his attention. I know him more than anyone. He loves me more than you love me! Why don't you just trust me, I'm doing it not just for myself, but also for you."

With that she left her mother in the car, ready to attend the press conference.

Yang Fei is becoming more and more aggressive and outrageous but mother Yang could not hold her back to stop her from creating trouble.

She knew her daughter was doing wrong but couldn't control it. It is the only way for her to live in luxury if she helped Yang Fei.

Mother Yang could only wish for Yang Fei to succeed.

Tang Su is not deeply attached to Zhang Han as they thought. She won't be hurt if Fei and Han reunite together again.

Mother Yang left, and order her driver to pick up Yang Fei after sending her home.

The stage is open for Yang Fei, the spot light was on her. Every reporter is eager to know the whole story.

Yang Fei bowed in front of the reporters.

"I am here today to retell my history with Zhang Han. If possible I would like you all to listen to my story before asking me your questions. Can you give me that?"

The group of reporters agreed on her request. They could only abide her to dig up the truth.

Yang Fei can clearly see how excited the reporters were to find out her story.

"Let me start."

She sits herself properly, and hold the microphone tight.

"As you all know Han, Fan and I grew up together. Han and I are childhood sweetheart.

Han and I shared an intimacy in our relationship since then. Even his family could see what kind of relationship we have.

I love Han from the very beginning since our childhood.

On my 24th birthday, Han proposed to me. I am so happy to finally has a chance to be his fiancé.

Our relationship become strong all those years. As you all know, I am the only woman in his life.

But sometimes happy ending didn't happen.

Two months before our marriage, I was invited by my friends to drink at the bar.

We met Fan at the bar.

I was intoxicated and when I woke up the next day, I found myself in the hotel naked and Fan was beside me.

I thought, it was safe, we kept silent about what had happened that night. I promise myself to forget, and move on.

But little did I know, I was actually pregnant.

On the day of our wedding I found out that I was pregnant. I couldn't bring myself to marry Han, I left him at the altar.

After that, I know you know what happened. Fan, and I got married to hide the truth.

I know I betrayed Han, but it was a mistake on my part. He might be ignoring me because of the grudge." Yang Fei wipes her fake tears, and continue her acts.

"Han, if you are seeing this. Please forgive me. It was a mistake, you know I can never do that kind of thing. I was actually thinking that someone drug me to sleep with Fan."

Because of the last word she said, reporters were shocked.

Yang Fei tried to control her tears. Her assistant comfort her at the side.

"Since Miss Yang finished with her story, we will now allow you to ask her questions." The host announced. The reporters were eager to fire Yang Fei their long awaited questions.

"Miss Yang. When you says that you have been drug, how sure are you?"

Yang Fei look at the reporter a little unprepared.

"Actually, I didn't know myself. But me, forgetting what happened that night made it possible that I have been drug."

"You are telling us that you have no recollection on that night that you slept with Fan?"

"Yes, I didn't remember anything that happened." Yang Fei stated firmly, but she knows well what happened that night. She mistakenly mistook Fan of being Han and offer herself to him willingly.

"Do you have any person in mind to do that to you?"

"I have no one in mind. I never had any problem with anyone." Yang Fei smiled forcefully.

"Why did you let this happen further? Why did you drag this matter for so long?"

Yang Fei was taken aback by the sudden question.

"What?...what do you mean by that?" she stuttered, she was not prepared for this kind of question.

"I mean, if you knew you made a mistake. Why did you marry Fan if you are still in love with Han?"

Yang Fei remembered this reporter well, it is the same reporter who slandered her outside the hospital.

"I was protecting my child at that time-"

The reporter cut her off.

"But you abandoned your child and give all the full custody to Fan. Are you really protecting your child or are you using Fan to help your company who is in the verge of bankruptcy?"

Everyone gasps, this reporter is so brave. But how did he know about this? No one knows about the problem of Yang Corp.

He might have some connections inside the Yang Corp. to know this matter.

This reporter is someone you cannot belittle.