WebNovelHis WIFE89.74%

Facing Gao Fuchen makes her frightened


Mother Yang was very worried that Yang Fei did not return home after her press conference.

She also questioned the driver saying he had not seen Yang Fei come out.

Even the assistant said she never saw Yang Fei again after she was ordered to ascertain the identity of a reporter.

However, Father Yang does not care where his unfilial daughter went at this moment.

He is still very angry at what Yang Fei does, for now he needs to distance himself from her daughter to calm himself.


Yang Fei woke up her whole body aching especially her private area.

She tried to sit down, but she couldn't move.

Yang Fei saw that she was naked, her body was full of hickey and bite marks.

She gasped from shocked as she screamed, an ear-piercing scream.


Yang Fei body shakes in anger and fear. She did not know where she was and what they were planning to do to her.

Because she was naked she felt frigid and now trembling.

Whoever did this would surely have a bad intention. The reason is still unknown to Yang Fei.

Her tear fells, someone molests and rape her.

Yang Fei remembers that after she walked out at the press conference, someone covered her nose with chlorophyll and take her somewhere.

She remembers nothing after that.

The guards outside Yang Fei's room was surprised to hear a loud scream.

Even Gao Fuchen who sleeps in the bedroom at the far end corner heard Yang Fei's scream.

"The princess is now awake." Gao Fuchen smirk inwardly. He bring himself outside the room and made his way to Yang Fei's location.

He remembered leaving Yang Fei naked as he left last night.

"Bring me a quilt." Gao Fuchen order his men to rush to get a quilt.

Gao Fuchen throw the quilt over Yang Fei's naked body, and position himself in a chair in front of Yang Fei.

"Who are you?" a frightened and angry Yang Fei asked the man in front of her.

She glared at the man.

"Who am I? I think you know me." Gao Fuchen taunt Yang Fei as he smiled at her evilly.

Yang Fei looked at the man.

She felt she saw this man before, his face was familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

The man was younger than her, Yang Fei could tell.

He looks stunning even though he had just woken up but his looks is nothing compare to Zhang Han.

"I didn't know who you are! What do you want from me! What did you do to me!" Yang Fei was afraid of this man. His sinister looks makes her crawl at the corner.

Goa Fuchen enjoys Yang Fei's frightened looks.

"But I do know you."

"I have nothing to do with you, if you really know me why are you doing this?" she is struggling to remove the rope that bounds her hand.

"Hmm….good question. The problem is you are Zhang Han's woman who hold a spot in his heart. I need to use you to lure him in."

Gao Fuchen's word registered to Yang Fei's clouded mind.

She was kidnap and was rape because they want Zhang Han.

Why her?

Why not Tang Su?

But Yang Fei stops herself from mentioning Tang Su. This is her chance to find out if she still has value to Zhang Han.

In this way if Zhang Han saves her, Yang Fei is sure he still loves her.

Hearing him call her 'Zhang Han's woman' makes her heart flutter.

"Tell me who are you? What Han did to you?" Yang Fei is curious, maybe this man could help her gain Zhang Han's favor.

"He did nothing to me to be exact, but to my family. I am Gao Fuchen."

'Gao Fuchen'


The name has it rings on Yang Fei's memory.

Gao family, the mortal enemy of the Zhang since the beginning.

But her mind could not remember a man name Gao Fuchen. Her knowledge regarding Gao is limited.

"I know the Gao family from my parent, and they were driven out of C Nations. But I've never heard a name Gao Fuchen."

Yang Fei is cracking her brain to remember him or his name but nothing came to her mind.

"I am the only child of Gao family, of course, you don't know about me. I was only ten years old back then, when Zhang Han threw my family away out of C Nation."

Gao Fuchen resentment is evident in his eyes. The anger he feels for Zhang Han and his entire clan is unbearable. He will never let it go, and he will begin to take his revenge with Yang Fei.

A 20-year-old man rape Yang Fei. Thinking about this made her cringe in disgust, he is way too young.

Yang Fei felt the sudden urge to puke in front of Gao Fuchen. She felt that she committed herself in adultery.

Gao Fuchen saw the disgust in her eyes. His smirked went wide.

"I've sent the naked pictures of yours to Zhang Han, let's see if Han feel the same disgust you felt."

Gao Fuchen booming laugh echoed inside the empty room.

Yang Fei's eyes went wide, her body froze.

What would be Zhang Han's reaction when he saw it?

She is afraid that Zhang Han will be disgusted over her and turn his back against her.

Gao Fuchen stood at the door ready to leave.

"Let's wait for Zhang Han's answer. Your life in exchange for my freedom to return to C Nation."

Yang Fei slumped her back at the cold concrete wall.

She is ready to wait for Zhang Han to save her, if not, she will make sure everything about Tang Su will be known to Gao Fuchen.

She will use Gao Fuchen to destroy Tang Su.


Assistant Ron received the documents from Japan.

The documents contain a photograph of Yang Fei's naked body with Gao Fuchen molesting her. The pictures show that Yang Fei likes the way Gao Fuchen satisfy her.

This made Fang Ron felt disgust with Yang Fei.

Also, a letter that asking Zhang Han to remove the ban under Gao family's name to let them return to C Nation in exchange for Yang Fei's life.

His spy also reported to him that Gao Fuchen got a hold of Yang Fei, fortunately Yang Fei didn't rat out Tang Su's identity.

They still didn't know what Yang Fei's plan is.

Since Yang Fei went public and published their relationship with Zhang Han, Gao Fuchen became interested in her.

Yang Fei only brought this upon herself.

Assistant Ron decides to report this information to Zhang Han before making his moves.

He is afraid that sooner or later Yang Fei will tell Gao Fuchen regarding Tang Su.

It will only put Tang Su in danger if that happens.

Assistant Ron will never let Tang Su suffer again, not after he saw how Zhang Han was affected by Tang Su's recent accident.

"Kirito, arrange your men to stand-by. We will rescue Yang Fei before she could even tell about Madam to Gao Fuchen, we can never afford that to happen. I will report this matter to CEO Zhang and wait for my signal."

"Copy that Sir. I am ready upon your disposal."

"Also, tell your undercover men at Gao Fuchen's side to find out everything Yang Fei has to say to Gao Fuchen and monitor every movement in their side. Make sure not to blow up our cover, infiltrate more if possible."

Assistant Ron ended the call.

Yang Fei always brings trouble to his boss.

This need to stop, before Tang Su drag into this mess.