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Jealous over Baby Zian


Baby Zian broke into a loud cry after finishing his bottle of milk.

While crying, baby Zian looked at Tang Su waiting for her to carry him. He is wailing hard and wanted to reach Tang Su.

Baby Zian's hand is pointing to Tang Su's direction.

It seems that Baby Zian is seeking a mother's love and thought it is Tang Su.

Zhang Han realized Baby Zian's antic.

"Fan, get your son." He didn't want Tang Su to hold Yang Fei's son. He felt annoyed to see the child wanting his wife attention.

For Zhang Han, Yang Fei deceiving them is enough. This baby though innocent, but he can still see Yang Fei in this baby.

Tang Su's touching the baby is equivalent to touching Yang Fei, Han's thought.

Father Zhang laugh out loud by Zhang Han's behavior.

"You are jealous over the baby? Don't worry, baby Zian likes Tang Su as his Auntie nothing else."

Zhang Han glared at his father, why mention it.

For Zhang Han, Tang Su's attention was just for him alone and no one else.

Tang Su might be Baby Zian's Auntie, but he is the husband.

Fan felt relieve that his cousin Han and Tang Su wasn't affected with Yang Fei.

They were still like before, and he is happy for that.

He took his baby away from Zhang Han.

"Where are you taking him?"

Tang Su stops Fan from leaving.

"Your husband do not want to see my son, and he didn't want you to hold my child." Fan feigns hurt.

Zhang Han snort in return.

Tang Su glared at her husband who seems unaffected.

"Hello there little cutie. Your uncle is being a thick head, don't bother him." Tang Su touched the baby's cheek who giggle in return.

"Han, look the baby likes me. Zian likes me." Tang Su cheered as Baby Zian played with her hands while Fan carried his son in his arms.

You can see how much fun Tang Su had while playing with Baby Zian. The baby seems to do the same.

"Baby Zian got your appearance. His nose, lips and eyes look like yours. His hair color though is like his mother." Tang Su stated, she noticed that baby Zian is more like his father.

A vein popped in Zhang Han's forehead, he didn't like the way Baby Zian attached himself to his wife. His demeanor become cold and rigid.

"Susu, if you really enjoy playing with Zian we can also make our own." Zhang Han sharp voice snap Tang Su from playing.

Her puzzled look is adorable that Zhang Han has a hard-on.

Then again, Tang Su replayed in her mind what Zhang Han said.

Her face turns scarlet red finally understanding his words.

What a bastard to say those kinds of thing in front of his family shamelessly.

But Zhang Han face is seriously looking at Tang Su without blinking.

Tang Su childishly stomp her foot and sat beside Han, she saw that Zhang Han possessiveness resurface again.

Just thinking about what he did to her in Hawaii makes Tang Su shiver. She may not be able to walk the next day when that happens.

"You got really jealous over the baby? Funny Han, funny. It wasn't like you to act this way, you're being immature."

Fan make fun of his cousin.

Even elders witnessed how Zhang Han got jealous over the child.

"Don't twist your pants." Zhang Han grabbed Tang Su out of their sights.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Mother Zhang called out.

Zhang Han just waved his hand, "Jet log mom!"

"Don't forget to prepare yourself for tonight's banquet. Don't tire her out!"

Grandpa Zhang shouts at the retreating figure of Zhang Han and Tang Su.

"It depends!" Zhang Han, shouts back.

Grandpa Zhang only hope to see them at the banquet tonight to clear out the rumors about Yang Fei getting involved with Zhang Han.

He just wants his family to be quiet in peace without any troubles in the future.

Yang Fei is a family friend's daughter, also Baby Zian's mother. He could never eliminate Yang Fei in this situation.

Grandpa Zhang ordered his men to monitor Yang Fei's actions in order to prevent more troubles.

He cannot let her destroy his family again by any means.

"Father, there is no need to fret. I've prepared their clothes for tonight, it is up to them if they want to attend or not."

Mother Zhang is well-prepared knowing this is Tang Su's first time attending a gathering with them and as a family.

She chose a matching attire for the couple.

Maybe announcing that they are already married is a good idea, she thought.

"I will bring Baby Zian with me tonight." Fan voice resonates the room.

Grandpa Zhang, Zhang Ji(Han's father), Zhao Xuelo(Han's mother) was stunned hearing his declaration.

Baby Zian is too young to be exposed in this kind of gathering. In addition, he may have difficulty socializing if he has a baby in his arms.

"I want to bring Baby Zian with me, I didn't want to leave him. It also a time to show Yang Fei that we are well without her in our life. I am sure, she will be there."

"Fan, do not act recklessly." Grandpa Zhang didn't want to agree with his plan.

This may harm baby Zian if something went wrong.

"I know what I am doing grandpa, don't worry. I'll bring a wet nurse if possible." Fan is confident to bring baby Zian in this banquet.

"Fan, baby Zian is an infant. Not to mention he was only a month old. The baby needs to sleep a lot, you will only tire him out. Baby tends to make trouble during nighttime, you know." A worried mother Zhang will never allow this to happen.

Baby Zian is a precious baby to Zhang Family, even if they didn't like what his mother did to the family they still care for baby Zian.

"Listen to us Fan, we know you are a capable father. And I know you will never take the risk of baby Zian's safety right? We are only concerned for both of you." Mother Zhang almost plead Fan to stop dragging baby Zian in tonight's banquet.

Fan pondered for a while. He knows that they were right. Baby Zian safety is his priority, but he wants to show to everyone how well he is and the baby without that bitch.

"Fine, I agree. I'll ask the head maid to take care of baby Zian tonight."

Finally, Fan agreed with them.

He can also show people that he is not affected by Yang Fei, that he is doing good without her.

Fan was cheated, if anyone should be affected by that, that would be Yang Fei and not him.

Yang Fei's face was too thick to show that she was a victim of the events.

She even lied about being drugs to make her look innocent.

Fan could never forgive Yang Fei for all the things she had done to his family.

If he hadn't just been in love with her, then he would have no problem.

Right now, baby Zian is his priority. His child care, and safety is the most important thing for him.