Do You Think You Can Win Today?


"Good evening sir, may I take your order?" Chelsca politely asked her next customer.

She looks up and almost burst out when she recognized who is the guy standing in front of her.

None other than his highness Lewey Collins. Good thing the guy wasn't looking at her but in the menu above her.

"One Espresso," he ordered.

Chelsca calms herself to do her job well.

"Sandwiches, sir?" she asked.

"I don't know," dully, Lewey answered.

"How about some strawberry cake, sir?" she asked with a smile.

"Sounds too sweet for me."

"Carrot cake?"

"I don't like vegetables."

Chelsca's mouth dropped. What the heck?

"Anything you decided already?" She keeps her politeness, holding her mood not to get mad. Because the truth is, she was already got pissed by his arrogance.

She glances at the line behind him; it gets longer. But the female customers like the view.

Her eyebrow twitches upward, seeing those squeals and fangirling behind this arrogant guy, but she quickly regains her composure.

"No particular," he answered.

"Then I'll pick for you the Cheesy Beef Bacon Sandwich... how about that, sir?" She needs to finish his highness orders.

She tried her best not to add "your highness" at the end of her sentence.

"What is that?" he asked innocently.

"It was a cheese rolled in a sandwich and bacon," she answered in a hurried tone, controlling herself not to roll her eyes. "No veges," she added.

"Sounds cool," he only commented.

"Coffee for 10.75 dollars and sandwich double for 16 dollars." Chelsca looks up and stares straight at Lewey's eyes. She saw he wanted to protest, but customers are lining behind him who began complaining.

She knows. He did not order a double sandwich.

It serves you right!

Lewey reached his pocket jeans and pulled his wallet. Checking something inside, he sighed, "I ran out some cash." He said, then take out a debit card.

"That's okay."

She took the card and swiped it instantly.

Chelsca handed the debit card back to Lewey along with the receipt and his table number, printed his orders.

"That's your table, sir. Thank you. Next, please!"

Damn, Mr. Arrogant. Do you think you can win today? Huh. No way! Chelsca is screaming inside her head.