Playing a Game: One

Chelsca opens the door, and Nadia quickly runs inside the house. If there are important things she has to do, Chelsca will just come home to Anthony's house.

She's entering the guest room, and she could already hear the running water in the shower room that Nadia occupied.

She put down her shopping bags and went downstairs to the garage room. She pulled the covers of her motorbike, then inserted the key and start-up the sleeping guy. She could only go outside the city once, and she misses running this big guy since she comes to the United States. She needs to plan her day off next time to wander the northern part of this state. After she warmed it up, she turns it off and put back its cover.

Nadia was now done taking a shower and began drying her hair. "It's your turn, Chels! Hurry up!"

"Alright. You are too excited," she remarked.

Chelsca began stripping and let the warm water wash her body. Later then, she stepped out of the shower and dried her hair; then, Nadia began to straighten her hair and applied some light makeup on her face as she requested, not too much on.

Chelsca can't stop staring at her reflection in the mirror. She feels like the red dress is too seductive. If Jessica got to see her dressing like this, indeed, she will comment on how she looks like a slut.

"What's the matter?" Nadia asked her while she is putting on the earrings.

"I felt like, too slutty on this dress."

"Just you look lusty!" Nadia corrected.

"Nadia? Come on! We're leaving sooner; I have no time looking for another dress to wear tonight!"

"Be confident! You look so beautiful in this dress! Let them be festive looking and desiring you!"

"My goodness! That is what I don't like to happen." she glances at the mirror once more.

"Okay. We are better to go now before your mind change!" Nadia picks up the purse, the one Chelsca bought earlier and placed it in her hand. "There you go! Don't forget your bag!"

She sighed. Maybe this is alright. Chelsca followed Nadia in the car that owns by Anthony. He is not coming home tonight because he is seeing his boyfriend while visiting the state.

Nadia drove the SUV and stops at the entrance of the hotel. Akane texted them. The waiting boy takes the car, and now they are welcome inside.

Upon entering the hotel, Chelsea instantly got everyone's attention. She ignores the curious eyes and walks towards the elevator up to the floor where the restaurant is located.

The lift opens, and they quickly step out and figure out where they could find that restaurant. They asked the Receptionist in the lounge area, and a crew leads them to an entire room. It is a private room and not just a restaurant.

Chelsca's phone rings from her purse, so she told Nadia to go first. She remembers the room number, and she stayed in the hallway and answered her phone.

Chelsca walks towards this floor-ceiling window and gazes out on the night's sky.

"Hello, Albert? Hi!" she answered her phone and tried to be cheerful.

"Chelsca, hello. How are you?"

"Hey, I am fine," she answered.

"Guess what? I'm going to California on a business trip. I want to see you!"

"Oh-- that's great! Well, sure!" Chelsca was a bit hesitant, but she has no excuse to meet him.

"Good. I'll see you soon, then?"

"Sure. Call me when you were in the state."

"Yeah. Well, I have a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about, and since I've become too busy, we don't have much time spending time together. So I want to catch up! How's that?"

"Yeah, that's awesome." The call ended soon, and Chelsca sighed.

"That's deep."

Her eyes widen to recognize the man behind her. "Excuse me." She ignores him and walks past when she felt a warm palm holding her elbow.

"Wait a minute."

"What do you want?" she asked angrily.

"Whoa, why do you still treat me indifferently when we're just alone?"

Chelsca contemplates from Lewey's words. She noticed him scanning her body from her toe up to her head. "What are you looking at?" she snapped.

"What? I have eyes to look; what's the problem with it?"

Chelsca wanted to punch this guy by his philosophies! She glared at him and tried to grab her arm. "Let me go."

"Come with me," Lewey now pulling her toward the opposite hallway where she should have dinner with the Isagawa family.

"Where do you plan to take me?" her mind began running wild. She tried to strangle from Lewey's hold.

"Just smile."

"Huh? What the hell are you playing?!"