Who is She?

Still too early in the morning but Chelsca already is woken up. She makes herself breakfast and a coffee. She looks up the sky and the weather looks great today. Chelsca got an idea, she decided to run her big bike outside the State today and to explore the countryside.

She dressed up with all black jackets then left a note to Nadia before she left the room and went down to the garage. She takes out her big bike, heated it up then make sure that the house was close where Nadia still snoring from her sweet dream.

Chelsca followed the traffic goes North. After she exited the city, she speeds up her bike. It was so great driving when there is less car on the road. After three hours of driving, she stopped to one of the cliffs she found.

This place is somehow very beautiful, the Canyon looks amazing from this height. She took a few photos as a remembrance that she was been here.

She glanced to her wristwatch and thinking if she should go back now, she will be arriving home around noon. She brought her bike back to the main road and maintains her speed.

She was five miles away before entering the city when someone overtakes her. Chelsca was surprised, she recognized this bike! And the guy who's driving is the last person she wanted to see today! What bad news is this?

However, Chelsca won't back down. Surely, Lewey won't recognize her by the helmet she wore. Chelsca speeding up her bike to pass Lewey who glance at her direction. She overtakes him and closely watch her side-view mirror whenever he attempts to catch her up and she could speed up more.

And Lewey is persistent on overtaking her, later on, he gave her the signals to slow down and make a stop. But if she does that, he'll find out that it was her!

Chelsca decided to speed up her big bike and analyze the road. They were now a mile away before they will enter the city but no one minimize their speed. With their current speed, they will be going to put themselves into probation, and so Chelsca slowing down but finding a way to able to escape from Lewey.

He is now catching her pace. Lewey pulls up the hood of his helmet and gesturing her to pull over, but she just continued until they were reaching the Toll Way booth. Chelsca just noded then speed up and stops at one of the booths. After her inspections, the officer now went to Lewey and asks a few questions.

On Lewey's point of view...

"Hey, exploring the countryside, huh?" asked by the Officer to Lewey.

"Ah, yes, Officer."

"Hmm... I see that both of you went to the same university," the officer commented while looking at his ID.

"Huh?" Lewey is a bit confused. He glanced at the biker ahead of him and study his feature. He knew all the bikers in the University, but this one, he doesn't recognize the bike.

"Your girlfriend?" the officer asked once more gesturing the biker in front of him.

Lewey was dumbfounded and speechless. The fact, he is she! No wonder he is a bit of slender for a man, this biker is a woman. He saw her starting up her bike and now slowly leaving. "Officer, can I go now too?"

"Sure. Don't forget to limit your speed within the city!"

"Copy, Officer!" Lewey salutes then tried to catches the pace but she is now blended into the traffic and he was left behind. He was pressing between cars.

Lewey got curious if who she is. Who's a girl in the university that is driving a motorbike? And which department? Well, he didn't give much attention to most of the students in the University that were own by his family.

Now he was intrigued and has the desire to know who she is.