Don't Remind Me About Work

Jennica had been texting Cameron for hours about all sorts of random things because neither of them wanted the conversation to end. She didn't notice it was nearly 11 PM until Valentina came home.

"Is Keeley not back yet?" she asked as she hung up her coat.

Looking around, Jennica realized she hadn't even noticed that Keeley had left. Oops. She noticed that she had a message in her inbox from her that was time stamped as being sent hours ago but hadn't been opened.

"She's staying at her dad's and asked us to feed Molly."

"Okay. She hasn't done that in a while; I guess she missed him," Valentina mused. "What have you been doing all day? I was getting in hours at the hospital."

"Do you remember Cameron, that guy I introduced you to on Halloween? We've been texting," she said with a slight blush on her face, anticipating her roommate's reaction.