A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?

Tears continued streaming down Keeley's face as they made their way to the parking lot. Her ears burned with embarrassment. She really wasn't the type of person to cry in public.

Aaron's hand had been in hers the entire time they walked, steering her away from light poles and cars and other people so she wouldn't have to look up. It was a thoughtful thing to do and it made her cry harder.

When they finally reached the car, he sighed heavily and pulled her in for a hug. "Come here, cry it all out."

That invitation made the dam break officially and she began to sob so hard she thought she might snap in half. The harder her sobs, the tighter Aaron's grip became.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay," he muttered while stroking her hair.

Was it? Could anything ever be okay when she had to deal with all of this confusion?