I Call It Like I See It

Keeley was studying in the library two hours before her last test, which was unfortunately scheduled for 8 PM, when she sent out a group message on her annoyingly-shattered-but-still-technically-working phone.

'To celebrate my freedom I am going to make sugar cookies tomorrow. Who wants to help me decorate them?'

'My flight leaves at 7 AM tomorrow, sorry!'

'Can I bring Cam?'

'I'm in as long as I get to take some home. Your cookies are amazing'

Not bad. Everyone but Valentina, who she had forgotten was leaving super early to go back to Peru for two weeks, could come.

'The more the merrier! You guys free at 3?'

Jennica and Ryan both replied yes. Perfect. She still needed to make sugar cookies, the pretzels, and the snickersnaps. Everything else was done but she only had four days til Christmas and was running behind.

A tiny bit of guilt crept into her consciousness. Aaron was the only person she saw regularly that she hadn't invited.