I'm Not Creative

After dinner, one of Cameron's friends suggested a game where everyone had to go around the table and tell two funny or embarrassing stories about whichever half of the engaged couple they knew, one true and one false. Everyone else would have to guess which was which.

Next to Keeley, Valentina had a look of intense concentration on her face as she tried to think. She wanted to laugh. Of course her friend would take this seriously; she loved these kinds of games.

Embarrassing stories…goodness knows Keeley knew quite a few but what would be the most fun to share? And what fake story could she come up with? She had never been good at making things up on the spot. Her best bet was probably using a true story about somebody else rather than Jennica.

Jennica and Cameron weren't allowed to participate because they would be able to guess too easily. This game was solely to razz them, as close friends tended to do.