Like A Weed

Ryan couldn't believe what he was hearing. Keeley was the consummate New Yorker—out of everyone he knew, he would have pegged her as the one least likely to move away. And all to avoid a guy?

She wasn't the type to run away; she faced her problems head on. Her ex-boyfriend must be a serious pain if she couldn't handle him the way she handled everything else.

He didn't want her to leave. Keeley had been a constant presence in his life for nearly seven years.

Ryan couldn't imagine what life would be like without getting random texts demanding he come over and hang out with her on a regular basis. If she lived hours away, that spontaneity would be impossible.

Unfortunately, she was right that New York City didn't have that many genetics programs. It was unlikely a degree from NYU would land her a job at Columbia so she would basically be forced to look elsewhere if NYU didn't offer to keep her on.