A Lot To Think About

"That actually sounds pretty nice," Keeley said, trying to hide her bitterness. "How many children do you have?"

Chloe's smile was full of maternal affection. "Three. My daughters are twelve and ten and my son is six."

Three kids. She always imagined she would have a houseful. Growing up with only one sibling meant they were extra close; she had been devastated when Kaleb was gone. Sometimes she wondered if things would have been easier if there were other siblings left behind to spend time with.

It was a moot point now. Maybe once her career was more stable and she could afford her own place, she could adopt a sibling group.

If she ever could afford her own place. New York City was one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in. New Jersey or Pennsylvania was looking more attractive all the time.

"What about you?" she asked Carly.

"I have a sixteen-month-old son."