The End Of Their Partnership

Lacy Knighton had been stewing in her fury at being tricked for weeks and she was finally ready to put her plan into motion. It was a bit difficult since Max refused to help her. He was usually so dependable too.

They had grown apart since Aaron's engagement because she refused to give up. Who needed him, anyway! It wasn't like she actually missed him or anything. Her feelings weren't hurt at all.

He would come crawling back eventually—he always did—and she would make him sweat a bit by not accepting his apology straight away. It was what he deserved for abandoning her at a crucial moment.

If Max had bothered to help her, she could have caused an accident at Robert Hall's construction site easily. Since she was doing it herself, it took a bit longer to orchestrate.

The plan was simple. A piece of equipment would go faulty, severely injuring the man. One of the men on his crew would call his emergency contact—his daughter—as he was rushed to the hospital.