Pastry Theft

On Monday morning, Violet gathered up the remaining three apple rose puffs and headed over to the dojo earlier than usual. Her company's new show didn't start for another three weeks so she was back to a somewhat normal schedule, starting at 10 AM and ending around 6 PM for a little while.

When she was on her later schedule, she typically visited Noah around 10:30 but now she had to do it at 8 or she wouldn't have time to get to work. Unfortunately for her, he had back-to-back toddler classes that didn't end until the time she usually visited.

She would only be able to talk to him for about ten minutes between classes but it was better than nothing. They were meeting up to go to dinner tonight anyway but she still wanted to do something nice for him.

Violet knew how much Noah got worn out from chaperoning field trips. It was why she had risked Nathan's wrath to sneak him the rest of the apple rose puffs.