More Similar Than He Thought

Aaron was baffled that his half-brother had such a bubbly fiancée. He didn't seem the type that would tolerate that sort of thing for more than a date or two. He was even more baffled that he and Keeley were invited over to Gray's apartment.

Keeley had only been there once but he had been a few times during the course of the renovation. Gray had been invited (or invited himself) over to the Hales' place a few times but had never once asked them over to his.

As Keeley made her signature marshmallow brownies, Aaron paced around the kitchen in agitation. He didn't want to go. Socializing was exhausting enough when it was with people he actually liked.

He would much rather spend his coveted Saturday evening playing video games with Nathan, who was actually at home on the weekend for once. All of his plans had fallen through and he was a bit put out that not even his parents could hang out with him.