So close to feel an amazing ecstasy.

That all my senses run away.

That I missed the first knock on my door. And the second one as well.

And am jolted to hear the loud banging on my front door.

"WHAT. THE. HELL." I whisper yell

I'm not able to cum.

F. M. L

Uggggg I hate people.

I grab my towel and dab myself dry and hastily endeavored to put my bra and panties on.

But my still hangover brain mistook a step while putting on my shorts and fell on my butt.

But the person got no chill.

He is still banging. It even got harsher.

I'm beyond angry. I'm pissed.

I'm ready to put that piece of shit on its place.

Literally, I jogged to the door.

Yanked open the door and I'm ready to yell but quickly sober myself.

In front of my apartment door is an unknown man with a permanently scowling face

Startled I raise a question: "may I know who are you?"

He replies to my question with his own question: " are you searching for a roommate?"

I simply nod, confused I ask: "are you, my new roommate?"

And am wondering why my parents allowed such a guy who looks older than my father to be my roommate.

He gives me 'are you a crazy look' and replies: "not me but my lovely daughter "

I can notice the affection he has for his daughter.

"Oh!" I respond

He says: " I want my daughter to stay with you. Your parents allowed and the payment is also made. She is 18 years old and she just began university."

I raised an eyebrow at his attitude

Cocky much.

'Mister banging the door with a permanent scowl.'

He continued " she must be packing her luggage and will shortly arrive" and with saying that he walked away.

After a few minutes later I realize I didn't even ask him.

Her name.


🇮🇳 India is a country in South Asia It is the 7th large country by area, the 2nd most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world.🇮🇳

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And if you find a mistake please point out.

I will definitely solve it.

Thank q
