Pov Venice

My eyes are closed yet I'm awake. I can feel every movement she makes and every moan she is letting out when she further snuggle into me.

I was not able to sleep. How can I? I am mesmerized by her beauty.

The beauty that is sleeping on my embrace.

Her innocence is the first thing that attracted me. How can someone till be that innocent?

If I had not known I would think she is fake, tryna act to gain attention.

But here she is snuggling into me. Sleeping like a kitten.

My kitten.

W H A T?

Why do I always end up there? It's not even a day and I am getting all possessive about her. Maybe she has a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Is she even into girls? I don't know. But maybe I would come to know sooner or later.

But I think one thing is clear that she is attracted to me. The rosy cheeks she gets when I flirt with her. Or how she shutters and cannot form a sentence when she is embarrassed.

But am I ready to get myself a girl? A girl so innocent. What if I break her heart? I am a messed up person with messed up past.

I am a selfish person too, will not allow her to go anywhere. Because I get...

Wait, what?

Did she just LICK ME ON MY NIPPLE.?

Why did she stop? Is she teasing me because hell yeah I am getting teased, Please Conti...

O Jesus, she is sucking my boobs like a baby.  Nipping and biting my areola and again lapping her tongue to lessen the pain. She sure gonna leave her traces on me and I'm not gonna lie and tell it's not sexy.

She is massaging my others boob while rolling my nipple between her two fingers, tugging it and pinching it and might I add not so lightly.

Not so innocent now.

I am so wet down there but I am going to wait and watch.....okay feel and will try to suppress my moan which may I add is very troublesome but worth it.

After a few moments, she stopped but her hand was still there on my boob but she just stopped sucking and her heartbeat increased.

"Why did you stop?" Came out my groan.

She was staring at me like she was caught stealing cookies. She seemed so flushed with wide eye and red cheeks She was lying half on me and a half on the bed but paralyzed. She still has her right hand on my right boobs while my left nipple glistening with her saliva.

I turned gently to face her but her deadens like body shifted and now she was entirely on the bed but her wide eyes still looking fixedly into mine. I identified through her eyes that she might be here but her brain was somewhere else. Overthinking.  

"Didn't I ask you a question? Hmmm.. Tell me why did you stop?" I asked while tucking her lush hairs behind her ears to have a perfect view of her face.

My enigma helps her to transport back. And the first thing she did was closed her eyes shut and shake her head no. The action itself brought a smile on my face.

I knew she was not going to open her eyes soon so I simply stared into her face while tracing her bottom lips and with my thumb and stroking her jaw with my fingertips.

Her skin as white as ivory glowing as the early sun rays were requesting to seep through the curtains. I wanted to mark her porcelain skin.

I shook my head at my wandering thoughts and glanced towards the clock to see I'm getting late. I have errands to run.

I got up and walked to my closet to find some clothes. Comfortable clothes. I have a long drive today. So gotta get out sooner so I can come back sooner to my kitten.

I could sense her appreciative eyes on my butt as I add a bit of sway while walking. Gotta flaunt my assets. I bend down naked, fully showing her my glistening pussy to open my drawers full of lingerie. Uff how wet I was.

There is a sharp inhale of breathing and a chocking sound. Did she just chock on her spit? This miss is one of a kind. I unintentionally have a smile on my face.

I got ready in a big size sweatshirt and a knee rip black jeans and in a pair of jordans. I put some concealer under my eyes to hide my dark circles and some extra volume mascara to make my eyelashes look long while applying a nude color lipstick. And I was ready to go.

"hm... Are you going somewhere? I know I shouldn't ask but... I thought I should ask when you will come... You....perhaps I will wait.. No, I would reheat you ..... No, I mean ..... Yes I mean I would reheat food for you..... but it's okay if don't want to tell me because of i... I know I didn't answer...answer your question." There was shuffling on the bed and kitten let out in one breathe with eyes wide and erratic breathing that made her chest rise up and fell down... I know I'm gawking at her boobs but I'm HORNY okay... It's difficult you know to look away.

"Hmm. No, it's okay... You don't have to wait.. I may be late but I would surely be here for dinner. Just reheat the food or something. And give me your number so I would send you a text and you could inform me if there is any problem and if you are okay. Please call me if there is anything wrong ." I asked while grabbing my cell phone from the dressing-table with the other hand and shoving my wallet in the pocket with another hand. And you all talk about multi-tasking?

She says her number and I save it as ' KITTEN🖤😻💦' and yelling bye while running out of the house while grabbing my car keys.

I unlocked my car and the first thing I do is text her, 'Oi!! Venice at your fingertips here.'