" Whom you want to talk with than? " she asked while twirling my hairs between her fingers and smirking. Oh, I'm gonna wipe that smirk off.

"My girlfriend " I sassed.

" Your who?" she asked disbelieved written all over her face.


It's been hours now, and she is not acknowledging me...

So childish.

I huffed my cheeks and went to sleep.

Now I want a good sleep than I would think of a good strategy to win her back...

Win her back??

from whom??

Anyway, I should plan a mission.....

Mission ~ Rescue child?


it has to do...

oh, I am so funny, feel like kicking my own ass...


Think about kicking your own ass...

Can you visualize that? I was thinking that and I giggle out loud ...

I was not paying attention to Venice as she was behind me and well I was busy .. you know to visualize...

I was pulled harshly by my shoulder and was turned to face a very angry Venice.

I gulped and gave her a cheeky smile and made a kissy face.

Her eyes softened and her left hands went to my waist and she pulled me flushed into her chest. I was busy staring at her boobs and I didn't listen to anything she says.

O, My boobs...


Venice's boobs...

Her big, round, pink, big.... did I say big? Anyway boobs. I would like to be.....

My thoughts were interrupted when her hands wrap around my neck.

" Do I have your attention?" Venice asked sensually

I gulped and nod not understanding her unexpected change of emotions.

I m wet, f**k me already.

I don't even understand my own emotions...

" I am asking you something? Hmmm, reply to me. " While she removed her hands from my neck and hold my hair in a tight grip and pulled them down as my head raised up to see her already staring me

" Ye... Yes, you ha... have my attention " I breathed out.

"Better, Why are giggling? Is that what you want? hmmm, Who is that girl? Is she better than me..." she asked me with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

" No, I "

"Shhh," she shushed me with her index finger on my lips.

My breath hitched and eyes widen something about her is so wild and crazy.

" Darling, why are your eyes this big, am I affecting you? Are you wet for me? " Dominance is oozing out of her.

" I... I " I closed my eyes as her hand moved from my lips to my boobs and started going down my ass. She squeezed my ass once and kept her hands resting there.

No no, remove your hand.

No, don't remove.. keep it there, It feels... good.

"hmmm, darling, I asked you something"

"Please " I don't even know what I was asking...


Hey 🖤

Things are getting steamy!!!

Now do you have any idea, why is she saying please?

because I have none 🤣

And QOTD~ Tell me what time you are reading this chapter?

What Me? ~ I am writing this at 5:34 am on 10th May.

And do vote and comment.

I like to read and reply to your comments...

Don't be a silent reader, please 🙏 I would like to know what you liked and what you didn't... And if there is something you want me to change.... plus comments and suggestions always motivate me ... 😍

Till then bye 👋💗

and oh, if you have wattpad... you can go and check the aesthetic of Anna and Venice I made. 😎 plus follow me there if you can.

Thanking you ☺

your author 🤦‍♀️