CHAPTER 9 Talent For Acting

"Who are you?" Asked Zhan Bei Tian in an icy cold tone of voice.

Although the other person's face was fully covered, however, judging by his figure from the pants and shoes, as well as the wound on the right arm he could able to figure out, the other person was the one who suddenly appeared in his extra memory, and accidentally took a bullet for him.

"Me?" Mu Yifan's mind quickly refocused, he said: "My surname is Mu, Mu the same character as in Shumu, my full name is Mu Mu."

At first, he wanted to change his surname, however, if the next-door neighbor should see him and call out Mr. Mu, wouldn't he be exposed? It's better to take a homonymous surname, as for assuming the name of Mu Mu, it's because this was his childhood name, all of his friends and family called him that.

(T/N: 慕 (mù) ←- his real surname and 木 (mù) ←–fake surname have the same sound, ZBT thought his surname is 木 (mù))

"Thank you very much for stopping that family for me, otherwise, I might well have been beaten up and injured by them, I am also extremely grateful that when I was mysteriously shot, you carried me down the mountain. Later on, you suddenly fainted, at first, I wanted to send you to the hospital, but..."

Mu Yifan touched his swollen thigh, then said in an apologetic tone: "I don't like going to the hospital, I had no choice but to take you home, and let my personal doctor examine your body, that's right, I don't know what is your name?"

"Zhan Bei Tian." Zhan Bei Tian casually replied, narrowed his eyes and asked again: "Why would that family want to beat you up?"

In his past memories, when he went to pay tribute to the memory of his comrade, there was indeed such a family nearby sweeping the tomb, at that time, they were weeping bitterly, therefore, it attracted his attention, however, there was absolutely no such man called Mu Mu.

Sure enough, Mu Yifan couldn't speak out the true cause, nor could he use mistaking the grave as an excuse, not only would Zhan Bei Tian not believe him, instead it would also give rise to suspicion.

He could only say, with a guilty look on his face: "I accidentally ran over their child with a car, because of my guilty conscience, that's why I wanted to secretly go burn incense for that child, I didn't also know what happened after that."

Really TMD wronged ah!

Who would be foolish enough to pin an evil deed on themselves?

He was the fool who would do such a stupid thing.

Hope the male lead's opinion of him would not fall because of this matter.

Zhan Bei Tian stared fixedly at Mu Yifan, as if he wanted to read his facial expression and find out whether he was lying or not: "After I fainted, did you see me disappear...:"

Seeing that the other person was looking at him puzzledly, he quickly corrected himself asking: "Do you live here alone?"


"You took this bullet for me, therefore, until your injury gets better, I'll stay here to take care of you, also, mind if I use your kitchen?"

Zhan Bei Tian without waiting for Mu Yifan to reply, turned around and left the rumpus room, he stayed here, not because this man caught a bullet for him, but just because he was still not fully aware of the current situation.

When Mu Yifan saw that Zhan Bei Tian had left, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, Zhan Bei Tian's eyes were actually very sharp, he was almost unable to withstand it.

He flopped down on the sofa in exhaustion, and said self-mockingly: "Seems like I also have quite a talent for acting."

At least Zhan Bei Tian didn't get suspicious of him.

However, knowing Zhan Bei Tian, although this person didn't get suspicious of him, but, he certainly felt curious, so, he would not leave for a term from 10 days to half a month.