Chapter 39, The First Fire

"'Three requests and three refusals' have no place in Europe; an uproar ensues even after just one refusal, without the need for three."

Since he had already seized the regency, Franz naturally wouldn't seek out trouble for himself. He decisively took over the authority, not giving Archduke Louis a chance to regret his decision.

Immediately thereafter, Franz shifted the topic.

"Gentlemen, the uprising in Vienna has been suppressed, but I'm afraid that other parts of Austria may soon descend into chaos. To avoid the collapse of the Empire, we must take more proactive action!"

Everyone's expressions changed, and the pleasant mood they had felt after surviving danger vanished. How terrifying was the thought of the Empire collapsing?

As grand nobles of Austria, their interests were tightly bound with the country. If the Empire collapsed, everything they owned would vanish into thin air.

"Franz, are things really that bad?" Grand Duke John asked with concern.