Chapter 49, Low-end Version of "Robbing the Rich" to Distribute Land

In the Austrian Empire of 1848, revolution seemed to become the trend of the nation, with unrest all around.

On March 28, a rebellion broke out in the Dalmatia Region, but fortunately, before the Austrian Government could send troops to suppress it, the locals had already quelled the revolution themselves.

Looking at the intelligence in his hands, Franz felt as if a herd of alpacas were running through his heart. The initiators of the uprising were the local government-formed self-defense forces, and those who helped the government suppress the revolution turned out to be the local capitalists and serfs.

In other words, it was the nobility and nationalists who launched the rebellion, and the capitalists and serfs who suppressed them.

The rebellion was mainly due to the local nobility's dissatisfaction with the government's reforms, which undermined their interests. Incited by the nationalists, they foolishly declared a revolution.