Chapter 53: The Scapegoat that Fell from the Sky

On April 1, 1848, after the Austrian Army abandoned the Lombardy Region, the swiftly mobilizing army of the Kingdom of Sardinia quickly filled the void.

Amid the cheering crowds, the Sardinian troops entered the Lombardy Region without shedding a drop of blood, as if the good days they had been anticipating were upon them.

Before his departure, Marshal Radetsky did a favor for their propaganda, and in everyone's hearts, it seemed that the Kingdom of Sardinia could satisfy everyone's interests, including the Republicans.

The tricolor flag flapped in the wind as people in the streets and alleys congratulated each other.

"Long live the Republic!"

This cry spread throughout the entire Lombardy Region, and a temporary government led by Kazari was established.

It seemed that the Austrian Army had left in such a hurry that they had no time to take the political prisoners with them, and these individuals became members of the temporary government.