Chapter 80: Changing Circumstances

After the victory of the bourgeois revolution, the situation in Europe did not improve, but worsened.

The capitalists, who had just turned the tables to become masters, revealed their greedy nature before they could secure their rule.

The newly established bourgeois government not only failed to fulfill its previous promises but also intensified the exploitation of the lower classes.

Where there was oppression, there was resistance, and labor and peasant movements began to thrive.

Before Marshal Radetzky withdrew from Lombardy, he had levied a large amount of grain. After the Kingdom of Sardinia occupied the area, Milan City faced a shortage of grain. To gather emergency supplies, they borrowed some grain from the local people.

Easy to borrow, easy to return.

Regrettably, the Kingdom of Sardinia seemed to have forgotten about borrowing grain from the people, sparking local discontent.