Chapter 95, Defeat is Like a Collapsing Mountain

Vicenza, Marshal Radetzky had personally come to the front; during the initiation of the battle of Trento, fifty thousand Austrian reinforcements had already secretly arrived here.

"Marshal, the troops are ready and can attack the enemy at any time!" Edmund said confidently.

"Any movement on the enemy's side?" Marshal Radetzky asked with concern.

War is never one-sided; the outcome of a battle is often the result of the combined forces of both sides.

A clever commander must always be aware of the opponent's movements and take timely countermeasures.

"Since yesterday afternoon, the enemy has ceased their advance and has started fortifying their positions; initial judgments suggest that the enemy has changed their offensive strategy to a defensive one!" General Edmund replied.

"Proceed with the original plan!" Marshal Radetzky said with a smile.