Chapter 113: Disrupting Prussia's Arrangement


Palmerston's arrival did not bring good news to Frederick William IV; the British stood against them as well.

"Your Majesty, the current situation is very unfavorable for us. All European countries are against us. Austria, the only great power supporting us, is only doing so due to public opinion; they will not provide us with any substantial help," Prime Minister Joseph von Radovich said with a frown.

Taking on Russia alone on land before the end of the Crimean War was something no country in Europe, including Prussia, had the courage to do.

Having such a neighbor was the greatest misfortune of the Kingdom of Prussia. Since they couldn't beat them, it was better to be friends, and Prusso-Russian relations had always been the most important part of Prussian diplomacy.

"Is the bourgeoisie government still unwilling to compromise?" Frederick William IV asked with concern.