Chapter 101, Passing the Buck


The negotiations were still deadlocked, but the gates of Munich had already been opened. At this point, Maximilian II no longer had a say in the matter.

From the start of the negotiations, everyone knew a new ruler was coming to town. Jonas had no obligation to keep this a secret, and now the whole city knew that Maximilian II was ready to exchange territories with Austria.

Given this, siding with the new master was no longer a difficult choice. The exchange of territories in European history was not uncommon, and it hardly counted as news.

However, this time the situation was indeed special; the Bavarian Royal Family had fallen from grace, losing all their bargaining chips. The only thing they could rely on was legal rationality.

Originally, most of the Bavarian people still had some internal qualms, as after all, Maximilian II hadn't committed any outrageous offenses. Abandoning him seemed somewhat unjustifiable.