Chapter 51, Personnel Adjustments

The Paris Conference, due to Austria's meddling, caused the Kingdom of Sardinia to lose its bargaining chips and concluded at a speed akin to lightning, an extremely rare occurrence in the annals of diplomatic history.

The French, who had soared into prominence, once again became the center of public attention. The Kingdom of Sardinia had not yet swallowed this defeat when the debate over the French threat again garnered serious consideration.

This minor issue, naturally, did not catch the Paris Government's attention. The French threat theory had not just emerged overnight, but persisted for decades, and everyone had grown numb to it.

Let them talk, after all, it won't cause a loss of flesh. At this moment, the French were celebrating this diplomatic victory.

Franz could only attribute it to the French obsession with Italy, similar to the Habsburg dynasty's fixation on Switzerland—always wanting to annex these regions.