Chapter 10: Holding Back

Facts have proven that people all fear death, in the face of bayonets, the great figures who originally leaned toward the Southern Government all compromised, and the Federal Government carried out military control over Maryland.

These were all prominent figures, and while Lincoln could detain them temporarily, he could not do so forever. After incorporating the Maryland militia, the Federal Government had no choice but to release them.

It was an era when communication was not convenient, and while taking over Maryland, Lincoln also ordered the takeover of the telegraph system used for external communication.

Otherwise, news would have reached the northern states and caused an uproar. It's quite possible that motions to impeach the president would have entered Congress.

The Southern sympathizer and leader in Maryland, Dekra, left the grievous place with a gloomy face. Conceding to the Federal Government under the threat of bayonets was a complete insult to him.