Chapter 77, Problematic Warship

After dismissing everyone, Franz's tense face instantly relaxed. It was evident he wasn't truly angry.

The competition for military funding among the army, navy, and air force is natural, and it is a part of maintaining the balance of power. If none of the forces were competing, that would be the real problem.

Seeing that Franz wasn't angry, Frederick asked with concern, "Father, of the three proposals the military just presented, which do you favor?"

It was not out of mere curiosity, Frederick truly couldn't make up his mind and had no idea which side to support.

On the surface, the strategic plans proposed by the army, navy, and air force all seemed highly feasible. Any successful plan could take the Holy Roman Empire to its zenith.

All being "top-quality strategies," determining the best and worst was impossible, which only added to the difficulty of choosing.

"Is that important?"

Franz countered.