With the crack of a gunshot, the already chaotic scene became utterly uncontrollable.
"The Russians have killed someone!"
Someone shouted, and it immediately detonated the crowd. The already furious protesters were fully ignited.
The biggest characteristic of radicalism, which earned it the "radical" label, is that decisions are often made on a hot head without weighing the pros and cons.
No matter the location, everyone's mind was filled with "Kill all the Russians, blood for blood!"
It wasn't just a thought; they took concrete action. The protesting crowd toppled the gates and walls, charging into the interior of the embassy.
Faced with the swarming crowd, the Russian Army guards fought valiantly, but two fists were no match for four, and even guns were of no use.
After all, this was the embassy district. The security was primarily the responsibility of the Japanese Government, and the guards' weapons were limited to dealing with petty thieves; there were no heavy armaments.