Chapter 94: Worldly Ways and Social Intercourse

Similar minor conflicts kept recurring between the investigation teams and various departments of Japan, all of which typically ended with Japanese officials yielding.

Colonel Saito was no exception; despite his reluctance, he eventually complied and handed people over.

Japan had no choice but to do so, aiming to quickly conclude the Russian Embassy case and dismiss the nuisance of the Envoy brigade.

"What? Decheng was arrested? Didn't I tell you not to get involved?"

Li Boan exclaimed in shock.

During the day, he had been educating a friend from home on common sense, warning them not to meddle in affairs, only to receive the dreadful news at night that his roommate was taken into custody.

Because he couldn't ignore the ties of friendship, he had joined him on a rally that day, and by the time they returned home that evening, he was alone.