This world is never perfect. Although the Japanese sword is not sharp, it still hurts when it strikes a person.
The primary reason they couldn't annihilate Mao Xiong was the vast territorial expanse of the Russian Empire, even larger than it had been in the original timeline.
The most severe consequence of the Russo-Japanese War was merely the loss of the Far Eastern region, and then nothing more followed; the Japanese simply weren't capable of penetrating Siberia.
After a moment of silence, Frederick slowly said, "Japan alone is naturally not enough, but add other nations wanting independence, and it's a different matter.
Finland, the Baltic Sea, Poland, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and other regions were not lacking in anti-Russian forces.
During the powerful times of the Russian Empire, these anti-Russian forces could not become significant, but during the decline of Mao Xiong, it was a different story.