Cajoling and threatening, together with the full back up from the Cabinet Government, the British Parliament finally passed the military budget increase by a slim majority.
However, the 70 million pounds budget was slashed to 65.81 million. This was already considered good, as budgets often got halved in the Parliament.
Perhaps feeling the threat from Shinra, the reality struck the members, leading them to show some mercy while wielding their budget-cutting scythes.
Despite that, after going through various processes, when the Navy finally selected shipbuilders, it was already May.
Before Campbellson could catch his breath, new bad news arrived. There were insufficient docks capable of handling ships over 20,000 tons, therefore it was impossible to simultaneously start the construction of so many Super Battleships.
"What, it comes to this point and you tell me there aren't enough qualified docks?" Prime Minister Campbell bellowed.