Did God Bless Him with Narcissism?

Were they well-acquainted enough to be on a first-name basis?

"I knew it. You still blame me," Zhang Yang said, guiltily. He reached his hand out toward Lin Yiqian again.

"I don't think we know each other very well." Lin Yiqian frowned as she stepped further away.

He was blaming himself and apologizing to Lin Yiqian for no reason. What was he trying to do?

"It's my fault. I know that you left the country with Song Changlin because you were angry at me. You were giving me a test." Zhang Yang seemed so upset with himself that Lin Yiqian thought he might actually slap his own face.

"Huh?" Lin Yiqian was confused.

What was he talking about?

Could he be possessed? Why did Lin Yiqian not understand a single word that he had just said?

Lin Yiqian frowned as she raised her chin. "Tell me your name before you continue speaking."