Gu Nianshen, You Big Jerk

"I heard that he did it so he could inherit his family's wealth."

"Doesn't that prove he values power and status over love? As I said, there is no such thing as true love. Since the beginning of time, kings have never cared much for love. The wealthy men these days are just like kings in the past. All they care about are money and power. Women are just the cherry on top to make them look good. Otherwise, why do all those rich people like to marry celebrities or models? That's because they can show them off."

Did that mean Lin Yiqian made Gu Nianshen feel more proud than if he married Xi Xia?

Lin Yiqian could not resist turning her head around to see who had delivered such an excellent speech.

Feeling her hot gaze upon them, the group of women stopped talking almost simultaneously.

They returned Lin Yiqian's gaze.

A young girl around the age of nineteen stared at Lin Yiqian for a long while and was unable to recognize her.