But You Will Never Return

I left the university and rode on my bike going home. I still couldn't remove from my mind how I am the only one who can see the black book. Why is that?

After 15 minutes, I arrived home and I cooked Terra and I's favorite meal which is Salisbury steak. After cooking dinner, I covered it with cling wrap and went up my room.

I immediately rested on my bed without turning the lights on. I am comfortable like this during the night as it calms me down completely at the end of the day. I always open my window so I could feel the breeze in my room.

I looked at my bag and suddenly remembered the book I had just brought home. I got curious again so I opened my bag and got the book. I looked at the cover and touched it. The cover's thick. It's a hardbound book, also heavy and quite big, like a book in the olden times. Why am I the only one who can see it, though?

I opened the first page of the book and was surprised by what happened. My dark room suddenly became bright. The light came from the book, along with words in font style Papyrus, floating and circling around me. I heard a voice of a woman, but I can't see who it was… I don't know who it was.

"Only those with great intentions can see this book and those chosen by the book will make its desired story."

The statement kept repeating and echoing as the words circled around me. In a moment, I screamed to see myself flying because of the words and it brought me to a place full of flowers. Where the hell am I?

What the hell is this?

"Only those with great intentions can see this book and those chosen by the book will make its desired story."

Why is it on repeat as if it is saying something very important?

I looked at my surroundings and saw no one here when suddenly, one statement made me desperate to go out.

"But you will never return."

It just told me… that I can no longer return to my own world.