In Any Way I Can

As he was narrating the story, some images would come out from the book. It reminded me of Harry Potter. I wish we had something like this in our world, especially during lessons in the university.

Everything then would be very interesting.

"Overall, this book has 10 long chapters. It means that there were 8 protagonists and 8 antagonists before we came here. I was second to the last. You are the next one, Cevin. The goddess also told me the time I had my powers that once the book is finished, they will be able to read the black book but its author is anonymous. They will see us as characters of the book," Sai started to narrate again and now he focused on each protagonist's accomplishments.

"Godrick was the first protagonist. He succeeded. He served the book as the light of the world. He is the sun. He asked the goddess to transfer his children and wife here. His wife became the moon and his children became the stars."

When he narrated Godrick's accomplishment, it sounded like the start of the world.

"Deego was the second protagonist. He succeeded and became the earth of Hartifalia. If an earthquake were to happen, it was believed that the god of the earth was angry. He asked nothing from the goddess for he was satisfied with his life here, rather than live in his world as a criminal. He had changed his ways."

So even people who were bad in the original world could still find their redemption here in Hartifalia.

"Rosa was the third protagonist. She succeeded in the third chapter of this book. Her mission was to sacrifice herself for the world to have water. That's why the sea of Hartifalia is named after her. She chose to stay here as her wish because she believed that she had greater purpose in Hartifalia."

Why did most of them decide to stay in Hartifalia? Not one of them even wished to come back to their original world?

"Xena was the fourth, but first protagonist who failed. Her task was to kill the antagonist but she couldn't do it. All I know was that the antagonist planned to kill all of the people in Kokona. She wasn't able to stop the antagonist because both of them were husband and wife in the real world."

Dionne, Klein and I frowned when we heard this. If you were given the task to kill the person you love, it would be really challenging to accomplish. She failed.

If a person failed to do his or her task... what would happen to him or her?

"The fifth protagonist was Radolf. His task was to make a wall for Dionne, the soon-to-be songstress. His wish was for his son to live. Both of them died in this world due to old age."

All of them prepared for Hartifalia, especially for Dionne.

"Reisha was the sixth protagonist. She was the mother of Dionne. Dionne didn't know her, though. Reisha died giving birth to her. It was her task to deliver Dionne for the world. Her wish was for her daughter's safety that's why the tower now, was formerly her mother and father. They sacrificed their lives for their one and only daughter, who would protect this world."

I looked at Dionne and noticed that she was looking down. She seemed guilty when she stopped singing because of her selfishness. Her parents willingly gave their lives for her but she stopped doing her responsibility.

I couldn't blame her, though. It was obvious that Dionne only recently knew about her parents and their sacrifices that was why she felt extremely guilty now. If I were in her situation, maybe I would feel the same way.

"The seventh protagonist became the song of Dionne. His name was Polum. He sacrificed himself to be Dionne's song. The eighth protagonist also did the same. Her name was Mei, and she became the Song of Healing, what the Dark Stalkers attempted to steal from the tower."

All of the tasks that were done by the past protagonists were all connected until the present. And now it is my responsibility to end the story.

How will I end the story?

Will I even succeed?

"I was the ninth. I finished my task of protecting the Song of Healing for Dionne. And Cevin, you are believed to be the last one. You are the one who's going to finish this story. You will realize what your great intentions are once you finish your task. Your mission is to protect Dionne with me, with Klein as your aid. We will accompany Dionne in getting the Song of Healing." He told the rest of the world's history and all of my answers were answered.

The moment Sai finished speaking, I suddenly felt a heavy burden on my shoulder. How will I be able to pull this off? This all happened in just a short span of time! How the hell would I keep up? I don't even know how to control my powers, for Pete's sake!

My thoughts were all caught to a stop when Dionne suddenly spoke. "All of the tasks that was done before were all for this world... and for me…" She was still looking down, guilt evident on her face as she spoke.

"All of the events that happened were all for this world and for Dionne because she is the next one who would protect this world," Klein added and Sai nodded at him.

"We need to move and fast. We need to escort Dionne to the tower before I explain some crucial parts. We all need to be ready," Sai said and we all looked at him seriously. After how many minutes, Dionne only nodded slowly as her answer.

I will know my intentions once I finish my task. I am the last protagonist and I am responsible for this story's flow. My mission is to help Dionne return to the tower. We will get the Song of Healing for her to sing for Hartifalia. The world would further suffer if we won't do anything so it's up to us to change its fate.

"What do you mean by me being a 'synergist'," I asked all of a sudden after Sai spoke.

"A synergist is like a support for the party. You strengthen them, and protect them," he answered and it reminded me of the RPG game Final Fantasy XIII. They had this kind of set-up.

"Why did you decide to tell me everything? How can you completely trust me?" I asked another series of question but Sai was patient with me. He answered all of them.

"Because you are the last character of this book. You will end the story and you ought to know all what happened in Hartifalia," he answered and I looked at him seriously.

"Again... how can you completely trust me," I asked once more and he gave me a slight smile.

"You're here... with the songstress. That is enough reason," he just answered and he now drank his drink in one go.

I now looked at all of them seriously. Both Klein and Dionne knew that I should give them an answer soon.

Like I have any other choice. I'm stuck here and I have to play the role now, right? What choice do I have?

I sighed and I just shook my head. "I'm in." I now gave them my answer.

They have done my favor and now it's my turn to help them out. Sai nodded at me and began to explain the next plans.

Now I willingly agreed to help them... in any way I can.