The Enemy Sang

"Fyibn zu ncu sequy… ne zicu zd kezyimup fyuin pyubfnc," I whispered and again, I suddenly became tired.

From all the spells I did a while ago, this one made me the most tired of all the spells I've done. I asked for the enhancement of my comrades' strength. Now they have a red light surrounding their bodies.

"Klein, attack," I shouted and he ran towards the beast-like machines and jumped.

The moment he jumped, he made a strike with his blade and with just one strike, he defeated the enemies and the only one left is the woman in front of us. She was surprised because Sai and Klein started charging after her.

I closed my eyes and I thought of another spell to help them increase their strength, defense, and stamina at the same time. I don't know if it will work but it's worth the try. Dionne also closed her eyes and now there were flames coming out from the palm of her hands.

"Fyibn zu ncu sequy… ne zicu zd kezyimup—" I wasn't able to finish my spell because Dionne and I were taken aback from what happened. Klein and Sai were suddenly thrown towards us and hit us both.


All of us shouted from the impact and the woman in front of us started levitating and she gave an evil grin. We all looked up at her and there was suddenly a black aura surrounding her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. We were all surprised when she started singing, like she had magical spells as Dionne's.

Is she the same as Dionne?

"Ye! Nasaya ne shay m paem pa philia iye!

Ten gm he na zim I yachi 100101 go ira!"

We got curious by the way she sang. We couldn't even understand what she was saying. Even for Dionne who stayed here for the longest time didn't get to understand a single word that she had said. When the enemy sang, the world outside the wall appeared and we grew more surprised by what happened.

Now that we were not outside the wall, we saw what was happening to this world because of the screen-like object that appeared in front of us.

A lot of machines were destroying parts of this world. There were machines killing the people in different towns and a lot of buildings and houses were in flames. Even the Calm Lands was being destroyed. The world started to disappear slowly.

Dionne started crying. "Pnes ncap, sxuipu…"

Dionne begged the woman to stop. We don't know if the woman in front of us understood what she said. She just smiled evilly at Dionne and she slowly landed on the ground and opened her hand in front of Dionne, as if she was waiting for her.

"Kezu qanc zu. Xun zu opu deoy sequy," the woman suddenly answered and Sai, Klein and I ran in front of Dionne to protect her.

She told Dionne to come with her and she will use her powers. If she joined her, she would stop.

Yeah, right, as if we'll let her join you!

Her smile disappeared when we came in front of Dionne. She looked at us coldly and she started levitating again as she laughed evilly and raised both of her arms.

"Ye! Nasaya ne shay m phaem pa philia iye!"

She sang again and now there were three beast-like enemies that appeared in front of us. There were even eagle-looking machines and snake-looking machines in front of us. There were even human-looking machines behind us and we realized that we were completely surrounded. The woman laughed loudly as she flew above us.

"Qcd ap pcu meabf ncap," Klein asked as he held both of his daggers. Sai turned both of his feet and hand into steel and he went beside Klein, with Dionne behind us.

Klein was about to attack but we were taken aback when he was hit by a laser beam. He suddenly had a large wound on his shoulder and it started to bleed. Klein shouted because the impact was great. Sai carried Klein and because of his strength, he carried him as if it was lightweight. Despite his old age, he was able to carry Klein in an instant.

Sai looked at us seriously. "We have to retreat. We have no choice in this situation. Their strength is doubled. There's nothing we can do for now," he said and Dionne and I nodded as our answer.

"Phauxm ev Uiynh… syenukn op," I shouted and while we were running towards camp, a large shield came out protecting all of us.

We were protected from the shield and their attacks were returned to them but no matter how hard it hit them, they still had the energy to chase after us.

Damn! Everything started too quickly! Too soon!

While we were all running away, the shield disappeared and luckily enough, the enemy didn't follow us. We lost them… hopefully.

Or maybe our escape was just a part of their plan?

We arrived camp and Sai slowly put Klein inside the tent and Dionne sang to cure him. After a few minutes, she came out of the tent and she looked at Sai and me seriously.

"I think I know who our enemy is," she said and she looked at the ground.

"She's the sister of our goddess. Her name's Ophelia," she finally said and we don't understand why this was all happening.

Why is the goddess' sister our enemy?