I Can't

The moment I opened my eyes, it was though my heart jumped from the highest building. I was falling from the sky and there was no sign of land when I looked down.

"Argh!" I screamed as my arms were looking for something to hold on to.

Dionne held my hand. "Cevin, calm down," she whispered near my ear. We were falling down and I was screaming in terror.

How can I calm down!?

Dionne held my hand tighter and gave me a warm smile. "Everything will be okay," she said and then my fears started to subside.

Hearing her voice indeed made me calm.

Xena suddenly spoke. "Your world is almost empty, songstress," she commented and Dionne only laughed at her remark.

"So you have your own world," I commented and Dionne nodded.

"Yes, we have our own world inside our mind. Since we cannot go outside, we often daydream while we sing but we are always alone even in our thoughts," she said with a fake smile.

"Living this fate sounds sad but it is what it is. You cannot run away from it," Xena said and Dionne just sighed as her answer.

After a few minutes, we were now completely in the world of Dionne. It was like Hartifalia, but there aren't people in it. It's just great, wide fields full of flowers and now I understand why Dionne is depressed.

She has her own world, but she was still alone. She had no one to be with. She's living a sad life and she endured it since she started singing for the world's safety.

We were walking in the great fields when we suddenly saw a woman appear in front of us. She smiled at us and Xena and Dionne smiled at her back. We went to her and I observed her carefully.

She's blonde and has blue eyes. Her lips are red and her smile beautiful. She's wearing a white dress that made her look like a Greek goddess, Aphrodite. She was levitating as she was approaching us.

She sort of reminded me of Cosmos in Final Fantasy Dissidia.

"Dionne, I have heard you," she greeted her and she smiled at us.

Now that I heard her voice, the voice I heard earlier when I came into this book was definitely hers.

Dionne suddenly spoke. "We need to talk to you, Goddess Falica," she said and she both looked at us with concern in her face.

"Well that is the reason why you have come here, right?" We just nodded at the goddess.

Xena suddenly spoke. "Goddess Falica, my deepest apologies. I did not do my task. I would really like to ask for your forgiveness, but I do not have contact with you in person, milady, so now I am taking this opportunity to speak," she rushed and the goddess smiled at her.

"It is alright. But in return, you would serve the songstress and the main character of this story in saving the world," the goddess told Xena and she nodded as her reply.

"I would gladly serve them with all my might, milady. My power shall serve them until I cannot use them," Xena added and the goddess nodded at her and I suddenly spoke.

"If you have the greatest power of all, why didn't you defeat your older sister," I asked and she looked at me seriously.

"You said so yourself when you talked with Dionne that you inherited your father's great power," I added and she just smiled at me.

She is powerful so why can't the goddess fight back?

"Despite all the bad in my sister, I cannot kill her because I love her," she answered my question but I was still not satisfied with what she had just told me.

"If you love this world and your sister, then why don't you try?" I asked her a question and her smile suddenly disappeared.

"You have a twin, correct? If she were to be your destined enemy, can you really kill her on the spot, knowing that you can because you have the power? Can you do it knowing that you also have the bond that you both shar?"

She answered me with a question and now I could not answer back. If Terra would be my enemy, I know I wouldn't be able to kill her.

I can't.

I was silent and the goddess took that silence as an answer saying no; I cannot kill my sister.