Stop Acting Like a God

"Are you ready," Dionne asked Sai and Klein and they both nodded as their answer.

Dionne and I both smiled at them and we all joined hands. "Xena… cuiy ze sxui," we all chanted and we all flew fast to the tower.

We told Sai and Klein what happened during our disappearance. The goddess also told us that Ophelia knew that we will be coming to the tower and that she was waiting for us there.

The goddess did her best to hide the Song of Healing from Ophelia. When we reach the tower, the goddess told us that the song will appear on my hand.

Sai made a strategy. While I protect Dionne using my power, they will both attack Ophelia and her henchmen. Both of them will buy us time to prepare for the song. Once the song is already with Dionne, they will already stop attacking.

Dionne and I also planned to talk to Ophelia. We understand her because Dionne and Ophelia both share the same feelings but the difference is, Ophelia vented these feelings out in anger.

We arrived at the tower and it was like Dionne had said. It was pitch black; very dark, and we could only see the stars twinkling in the sky. From here, you would see the world of Hartifalia.

"There's no time to be amazed. We have to start—" Sai was interrupted when Ophelia suddenly appeared right in front of us. She smiled at us wickedly and we all rushed to our formation to protect Dionne.

"There will be no thrill if I kill you all quickly," Ophelia said and with the snap of her fingers, her machines came.

She laughed maniacally in front of us as three beast-like machines, two eagle-like machines, four human-like machines, and eight snake-line machines appeared right in front of us. We noticed that the people missing would be turned into the human-like machines Ophelia's using.

"Ophelia… you don't need to do this! Let me heal you," Dionne said with concern and understanding and Ophelia just looked at her as if Dionne had said something stupid.

"I do not need healing!"

Ophelia shouted at the top of her lungs. Klein went in front all of us, with Sai following behind him. The both of them started to attack the machines nearest to them in order for them to protect me and Dionne.

I felt something warm in my palm. The moment I opened my hand, I noticed that the song was already with me. The stone is color white.

How am I going to put this inside Dionne?

Ophelia opened her eyes wide in shock. "The song… why is it with you?!" She suddenly sang, anger evident in her voice.

"Sasangeya atureya ontoxuni waya-maya. Wefuraye qhuvugaze jimaruite vowmismaya."

Suddenly, the enemies in front of us doubled—tripled in number. I looked at Dionne, signaling for us to start and she nodded at me as her answer. I know she's ready. I closed my eyes and I thought of the protection of the people I am with.

"Fyibn zu ncu sequy… ne zicu zd kezyimup sequyvox ab ixx ipsuknp," I chanted and I saw that the defense, attack, and speed of Sai and Klein strengthened. The spell almost drained me that's why I sat to catch some breath.

"Cevin!" Dionne's face is plastered with worry but I just smiled at her.

"I'm okay. The spell just took toll of my body for a moment. I also made my spell more effective for the spell to last longer," I reassured her and I looked at Cevin and Klein. "That should be okay for them to buy us some time," I added and I looked at Dionne.

"Give me the song now while the magic on them is still on effect," she said and I nodded at her. She sat next to me and she rested her body on my left arm as I supported her weight.

Damn... I feel awkward but now is not the time to feel awkward!

I closed my eyes. I lifted my hand up and the Song of Healing levitated at the top of my palm. "Mei, Song of Healing… cuiy zr sxui," I chanted the spell and the darkness in the tower suddenly got replaced by the illumination of the spell. Dionne's chest started to shine and the stone started to disappear little by little, evident that the stone is being absorbed Dionne.

"Cevin, it hurts…" I suddenly looked at her in panic.

"I'm sorry," I apologized and I closed my eyes to chant a spell for Dionne. "Xuppub ncu siab," and Dionne sighed in relief.

The spell turned out to be effective in controlling the pain.

So that's why I was chosen as her partner...

Ophelia suddenly shouted. "No! Stop!"

Ophelia lifted both her arms up and suddenly, a black lightning appeared going towards us. I acted quickly.

"Phauxm ev Uiynh… syenukn op!"

The spell created by Ophelia was stopped by my spell when a shield suddenly appeared to protect me and Dionne.


I suddenly felt my body in pain. I realized that even though I was successful in blocking off her spell, I over exerted myself.

Stop acting like a god, Cevin... you're just a human being... with extraordinary powers.

"Don't overwork yourself!" Dionne put her hand on my face, with worry obvious in her eyes but I just smiled at her.

"We will soon finish this," I told her and while she was observing the Song of Healing, we watched Sai and Klein in front of us.