A crazy idea


I paid no attention to the second movie. I kept fumbling with my phone and when Mom and Aunty Alice were busy chatting about their next hunt, I got up, hid the phone in my pocket, and said I have to go to the toilet. Mom gave me a wary look.

"Mom, that's the inconvenience of eating. It has to come out," I threw over my shoulder. She winced at the memory of her own mortality. Aunty Alice giggled and went on to tell tales of when she was alive. I left them in the living room. Silently got upstairs and steered to my left towards my room instead of turning right to the toilet. Closing the door carefully behind me, I dialed Jacob's number. I knew it by heart. He picked up at the fourth ring. I smiled as I got closer to my window and sat on the ledge.

"Jacob speaking," he panted, I gasped upon hearing his voice. It seemed like a lifetime the last time I heard it.

"It's...me," my own voice was caught up in my throat, choked with emotion. A terrifying silence followed.

"Re?" he hesitated. "Does Bella know—?" his voice trailed off. I gave a quick glance at my door in fear mom would come searching for me.

"Jacob, listen. I just got a new phone," I smiled with tears welling up. "They said nothing about not calling you." I heard him exhale. I could imagine him running his trembling fingers in his sweaty hair. This vision made me weak in the knees and I had to lean against the windowpane for support. He was so close to our link that it was almost painful.

"Re," he whispered with a quivering voice. My heart squeezed in my chest. Why was it so difficult for us to be together? Why was I born under such a cruel destiny?

"I miss you...so bad," I said. I was planning to play cute but my voice broke halfway. I grabbed the phone so hard my hand hurt.

"Hey, Re...please don't cry. If you do then I don't think I'll be able to keep that promise I made with Bella and Edward. I'll come to comfort you, it tears my heart to shreds knowing you're in pain," I blinked to push away the tears.

"Then let's run away..." I knew I was being unfair, and spoiled. I knew it was even harder for Jacob to stay away from me. I could feel it in my flesh...as he calls for me.

"Renesme?" called a voice from downstairs. "Do you want popcorn, the third movie is starting," said Aunt Alice. I quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and dashed to my door.

"I'll be right there," I called then turned to my phone. "Sorry, Jacob, I've to go. I'll call you tonight." I hang up before he could add anything.