An invitation


I have no idea how we ended up in the middle of the forest miles away from Folks. Wait, I know how we did. Reka suddenly got that awesome idea that we should drive up north to help me ease my broken heart. But I never suspected she would drag me in the middle of nowhere.

Her black SUV slowed down on a gravel path to a huge cabin in the woods. There was a cleared space in front with several cars parked on the far side. Dark shadows surrounded the building made of huge logs. It looked ancient. On one side green moss has grown over the porch. A weathered plank stated the name of the place. Bloody drinks. Awesome. That sounded like a vampire hideout.

"What are we doing here?" I whispered. It seemed appropriate to do so. I feared that bad guys were lurking in the corners. We were not exactly legal and I told my parents I was going to have ice cream with a friend not end up in a bar called Blood Drinks in the middle of nowhere.

"Relax, I know the owner," she smiled. My head sprung in her direction. Shocked.

"Reka, please tell me you're not with the bad guys?" she laughed and slapped the steering wheel.

"Girl, you are killing me," she said between laughter. "You really have a bad image of your fellow friends from the night," I had no idea what she meant. She paused and studied my face. "Your boyfriend is a werewolf, right?" I slowly nodded not getting where she was going. "Your parents, vampires," that was a statement, not a question. I nodded again. "I'm not going to be rude and ask you what flavor of vampire you are," she smirked. "I can guess." Was she referring to what that asshole said? Bastard vampire?

"Is that why I got kicked out of school?" I frowned. She shifted in her seat. The parking was shaded by tall pine trees. Even in the middle of the day, the area was dim.

"Don't worry about school. We, children of the shadows, don't need human constructs to get through life. Our instincts do a better job. I assure you, you are not missing anything. Actually, you are way better than most of us," she paused and looked towards the silence cabin. It was too calm. There was nothing to indicate that there were people inside. I don't think the word people fit the description of the type of clients that hang in a place called Bloody drinks.

"My folks are the one forcing me to attend that crap school for the super tight-ass and filthy rich beasts," that cracked me up. We both laughed for a while. When we got off and made our way to the porch I felt a buzzing around me. Reka gazed at me over her shoulder with a grin.

"What is this place?" I looked up at her. She pulled the door open and I was smacked with a surge of pure energy. It was raw and crawled along my skin.

"Step inside my special place to cure broken hearts," she gave me one of her irresistible smiles. Something stirred inside. A warning. For a second I thought I caught the scent of Jacob around me. Could I trust Reka? Was I safe to enter this place?

"Reka, what are you?"